Command messages now support Minecraft color codes, allowing for more customization and better visual feedback for players.
Plugin Start-Up Message:
A new start-up message has been added that displays in the console each time the plugin is loaded. This message provides a clear indication that the plugin is running and shows version information.
Action Bar Messages (Experimental):
Added support for action bar messages. These messages appear above the hotbar and can be used to convey important information to players in a non-intrusive manner.
Boss Bar Messages (Experimental):
Added support for boss bar messages. These messages appear at the top of the screen and are great for showing progress or important notifications.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue where players would not receive potion effects upon joining a world. Now, players will correctly receive the configured potion effects, enhancing their gameplay experience.
Configuration Changes:
Ensure to update your config.yml to take advantage of the new features. Here is an example configuration section for the new action bar and boss bar messages:
Code (YAML):
effect: SPEED
duration: 60
amplifier: 1
message: "Welcome to the world!" actionbar:
message: "Enjoy your stay!"