#Added: ability to configure the amount how many materials of one type can be crafted at once (with one dye).
#Added: some more console messages.
#Changed: for 1.14+: redying to white requires white_dye instead of bone_meal
#Changed: all subpaths of enabled_recipes now must be an integer value between inclusive 0-8. Wrong set values will be overwritten by default values (you will get informed in console)
#Changed: console messages.
#Changed: Native Minecraft version to 1.14.2
#Changed: plugin is now using maven.
#Changed: shared code between different plugins is now imported with maven.
With this update I refactored the whole plugin in order to use maven. This sets the foundation for mutli-version support. Also the plugin version number changed its nature:
The first digit represents big version changes, the second small feature changes/bugfixes and the last will be used for minor bugfixes (like format fixes, chatmessages etc. nothing to be too concerned about)
IMPORTANT: This update needs a slight editing of the current config. So please change every value within enabled_recipes to a digit between 0-8 (inclusive) OR just move the file out of the plugin's folder in order to get recreated.
This update may not seem that big but I cleaned/changed up a lot of code and overall looked over every class. So please let me know if you encounter any problems.