RedProtect Anti-Grief | Server Protection | Region Management | Mod MOBs Flag Compat. [1.7-1.21+] icon

RedProtect Anti-Grief | Server Protection | Region Management | Mod MOBs Flag Compat. [1.7-1.21+] -----

Anti-Grief, Server Protection, Spawn Protection

10000 downloads(on release
Version 6.5.0:
  • 10000 downloads feature: Translation for all subcommands and aliases! You can find all strings for translate on your lang.ini after run this version. All help texts and error messages are in sync with the translations, you need to change only one time to translate all; *Regeneration of your lang.ini is recommended (remove or backup your actual file);
  • 10000 downloads feature: Option to save regions in your own file instead all regions in one file; But why? In this mode, the server will only save the modified regions and not all on auto-saves. As example, if your server load 1000 regions but the player only changed the flags on 4 or 5 regions, the plugin will save only this 4 or 5 regions ;) *Attention: Theres two commands to convert your single files to regions files and can only be executed from console. New comands HERE or using /rp ? on console.
  • Changed: A BIG change on regions ranks. A complete info is HERE . Removed player rank "owner" and "creator", and added ranks "leader" and "admin".
  • Changed: All admin flag permissions can now be a player permissions. As example, if you want the player to have the perm "enter" you change the permission redprotect.admin.flag.enter to redprotect.flag.enter and the player will allow to change the flag enter on your regions;
  • Changed: Commands for add leaders and admins added and removed remove/add owners, see all changes HERE! When use the addleader command, you will send a request to other player accept, to avoid player givin leader to off-line players to get more claim limits.
  • Changed: Because changes on commands, we strongly recommend you to regenerate your lang file (delete or backup) to change the leader/admin messages and translations for subcommands.
  • Fixed: Anti-piston protections to deny player get blocks from protected regions;
  • Improved/Changed: Teleport countdown now will check for walk, and not for look to other directions, and changed the permissions for teleport from to redprotect.own.teleport, and all permissions where is tp;
  • Updated: Dependecies: New BossBarApi from Spigot, new EssentialsX and latest MyPet plugin;
  • Removed: Support for furnitureLib;
----------, Feb 25, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 528,672
First Release: Dec 19, 2015
Last Update: Jul 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
117 ratings
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