- RedProtect 7.6.1 b#242 MAKE A BACKUP OF REDPROTECT FOLDER BEFORE UPDATE - THERE'S HUGE CHANGES In this version: New region members management! Backup your region files before update to this version. From 7.6.0 (b#200): New configuration files to match the Sponge/Bukkit configurations! All your .yml files will be converted to .conf files and no data will be lost, but its recommended to you make a backup of Redprotect folder before update to this version!
New GUI flag management! Now all gui flag texts is in your own files allowing to be easy translated. You need to update the item gui materials too, like was on 1.12 > 1.13 and 1.14 have changed (again) a lot of material names.
The permissions for commands and limits have changed too! See the wiki on permissions page to see how to setup the permissions!
Fully compatible with 1.14.2;
Added player flag gravity to deny falling blocks to fall;
Added flag can-move to freeze players in a region (for events?);
Added particles to region border (/rp border);
Added kill command to kill all entities outside protected regions (/rp kill [world] [entity])
Added world border bypass prevention on globalflags;
Added command confirmation for critical operations like delete;
Added portal delays for regions portals;
Added deposit and debit when redefining a region and deposit on delete region;
Added hook with InfernalMobs to deny IM Mobs to spawn inside protected regions;
Added tab completer for all commands;
Added auto-updater (experimental);
Fixed flag spawner allowing only placer, not break;
Fixed private chests at all;
Fixed flag smart-doors for all versions;
Better uuid and name checks, all on offline mode and on player logins;