[+] Update Checker: Automatic check for new versions with notifications for admins when joining. This feature can be toggled on or off in the configuration.
Customizable Admin Permission: The required permission for admin commands can now be customized directly in the configuration.
[+] Excluded Worlds: You can now exclude specific worlds from real-time synchronization through the configuration.
[/] Reload Command: The /realtime reload command now displays all changes made in the configuration, providing clear feedback on what has been updated.
Important: To ensure the plugin functions correctly, you must replace your existing configuration file with the new one included in this update. You can either copy the new config manually or delete the RealTime folder, allowing the plugin to generate a new configuration automatically.
Code (YAML):
# _____ _ _______ _
# | __ \ | |__ __(_)
# | |__) |___ __ _| | | | _ _ __ ___ ___
# | _ // _ \/ _` | | | | | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \
# | | \ \ __/ (_| | | | | | | | | | | | __/
# |_| \_\___|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___|
# RealTime Plugin Configuration
# ==============================
# General Settings
# ----------------
# Enable real-time synchronization on server startup.
: true
# Default time zone for synchronization.
# Use a valid ZoneId, e.g., Europe/Berlin
# You can easily select a valid time zone using the /realtime timezone command with tab completion.
: Europe/Berlin
# Update Checker Settings
# -----------------------
# Enable or disable the update checker.
# When enabled, the plugin will check for updates on server startup and notify players with the specified permission.
: true
# Permission Settings
# -------------------
# Set the permission required to use admin commands related to the RealTime plugin.
: realtime.admin
# World Exclusions
# ----------------
# List of worlds that should NOT be affected by the real-time synchronization.
# Use the exact world names as they appear in your server.
- world_nether
- world_the_end
# Logging Settings
# ----------------
# Enable or disable debug mode.
# When enabled, detailed logs will be recorded in the server console.
: false