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RealSkywars -----

Efficient and Open-Source SkyWars plugin.

Bungeecord Support, Editable Maps, Revised Database and Code, More Statistics, and more changes!
RealSkywars version 1.0 is here for all to test! The plugin is now 2 years old. Thank you for the support over these last 2 years.

As this update contains quite a lot of changes, it is extremely recommended to MAKE A BACKUP of your current RealSkywars folder. Everything should convert smoothly but, if something goes wrong, please make sure to get support from the Discord server.

+ Bungeecord support for a Single Map. Enabled via config.yml.
+ Chest files now have their separate folder.
+ Selected kits now save between player sessions.
+ You can now edit a map and it's contents with /sw edit <map>.
+ Map Settings are now edited in the hotbar, during setup of a new map, or while editing a map.
+ Added editable events per arena. Edit them in the settings item in /rsw edit <map>
+ Max game time, invincibility seconds, end game time, time to start a game are now editable individually for every map.
+ Enable or disable shops and shop categories in config.yml
+ The event format has been changed. It is now "EVENT@SECONDS" instead of "EVENT&SECONDS".
+ Disable map start countdown message and actionbar via config.yml
+ Added configurable Invincibility-Seconds and message in config.yml.
+ The Settings GUI has been updated with new settings to configure.
+ Added two new tables to the plugin database, PlayerBoughtItems and PlayerGameHistory.
+ Added conversors to import the legacy data into the new tables.
+ Added Player Kills to Game History Logs
+ Added First Join and Last Join to player profiles.
+ Added Bought date to all boughtable player items and the date can be seen in the player's items.
+ Fixed translation error in
+ Added Player Statistics to Game History and Added Info to the Player Profile.
+ RealSkywars now searches for the game with the most players when searching for a new game to enter.
+ Added dynamic Material/Item translation.
+ Reformulated backend Shop system, including converting from old shop format to the new one.
+ Added 2 more languages: Portuguese and Spanish.
+ Fixed setlobby command. Now everyone in the lobby world is given items when this happens.
+ It is now impossible to players being killed from falling into the lobby world or when teleporting to a map.
+ General bug-fixing and quality of life improvements.
----------, Sep 14, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,079
First Release: Sep 6, 2022
Last Update: Dec 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
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