+ /rr tp now has permission checking "realregions.tpworld.<name>"
+ /rr tpo <name> <player> to teleport a player to a specified world.
+ Added Item Pickup To Item Owners Flag
+ Fixed messages/warnings/alerts being sent when deactivated.
+ Added flat world generation.
+ General bug-fixes.
As always, it's storngly adviced to make a backup before updating the plugin.
Added 6 new region flags:
+ No Chat
+ No Consumables
+ Disabled Nether Portal
+ Disabled End Portal
+ Disabled Fire Spreading
+ Leaf Decay
+ Added /rr flag <region> <flag> optional<value> command.
+ Added /rr setworldspawn <world>
+ Added /rr toggle-tpjoin <world>. If true, will teleport the player to the world spawn point.
+ Added Entering Titles and Actionbar Messages for every region defined. You can toggle them in config or with /rr toggle-enter-title <region> and /rr toggle-enter-actionbar <region>
+ Added more translation lines to RealRegions, available in languages.yml.
+ Changed PAPI placeholders "realregions_region_name" and "realregions_region_displayname" to "realregions_current_region_name" and "realregions_current_region_displayname" respectively.
+ Cosmetic console startup change
+ Added imported worlds list in the GUI
+ RealRegions now has an API that developers can use. Lean more about it on the GitHub page.
+ Added PlaceholderAPI placeholders!
Region Name: %realregions_region_name%
Region Displayname: %realregions_region_displayname%
Total Regions: %realregions_total_regions%
Total Created Regions: %realregions_total_created_regions%
Total Global Regions: %realregions_total_global_regions%
+ RealRegions can import automatically the region's of RealMines mines when the server starts up or you create a new mine.
+ Added hookup to RealPermissions.
+ Added option to delete alert messages in the chat when something cannot be done
+ Throwing itens to a region is now properly checked. (fixes
+ /rr view <region> can now be used in the console.
+ Fixed viewing of a region when it's deleted.