RealisticSeasons  | 1.16.3-1.21.4 | Seasons in your minecraft world | With temperature and calendar! icon

RealisticSeasons | 1.16.3-1.21.4 | Seasons in your minecraft world | With temperature and calendar! -----

Add realistic looking season to your worlds. The perfect addition to any server!

Temperature update and QoL improvements!
The temperature update is finally here, adding a full temperature system for each player!

New features:
- Temperature system (details are below)
Enabling it in worlds that has seasons already: type /rs toggletemperature

- improved ice and snow patterns
- Ice and snow no longer spawns in visible patterns
- Ice and snow now spawns in a big circle instead of a square around the player​
- Grass no longer regrows if there is no snow, mushrooms, flowers or berry bushes removed in that chunk
- More flowers per chunk are now allowed before they get removed
- Plugin is now compatible with custom dimensions
- Fix pumpkin heads stopping raids
- /toggleseasoncolors is now in /rs help

Temperature system:
Seasons have never been so realistic! Each player now has a temperature displayed on their action bar and it affects them in multiple ways. For the servers that would like to keep using the plugin as it originally was, just set 'enabled' to false in the newly created temperature.yml and there will be no trace left of the system. Too low or too high temperatures will have negative effects on the player, for example, slowness, hunger, no healing or even getting on fire or freezing to death (with the new 1.17 powder snow screen effect). This temperature system is the most detailed system to date, including many factors that influence a players temperature to simulate ultimate realism. This new system is like an entirely new plugin, but also made to perfectly fit the seasons. Every value, factor and effect is configurable and can be tuned to your likings in the new temperature.yml, allowing you to almost build your own system!

Here is an overview of the system:

(depends on day/night) and there are hotter/colder days.
Winter base: 5°C to -10°C
Spring base: 23°C to 5°C
Summer base: 40°C to 25°C
Fall base: 20°C to 5°C​
Rain: -4°C
Storm: -5°C​
max daylight boost: 3 °C
midnight reduced: -5 °C​
Leather: +20°C until 25°C
Iron: +5°C
Gold: +5°C
Diamond: +5°C
Netherite: +3°C​
Block lights add 0-15°C until 25​
Being in water:
-4°C in spring and fall and -10°C in winter and summer. This effect stays for a few seconds since the player will be wet.​
Drinking water bottle -10°C towards 25°C for 5 min.
Full hunger bar: +5°C if temp is lower then 25°C​
Winter: for y<64: extra (64-y)/5
Other seasons: for y>64 reduce by (y-64) * 0.03°C​
Biomes (configurable in every biome file):
Hot biomes (desert, badlands, jungle): +15°C
Warm biomes: (savanna): +10°C
Normal biomes: (all others): +0°C
Cold biomes: (mountains, taiga): -4°C
Snowy biomes: -12°C​
Temperature around 40°C since the nether is already hard enough​
Area with season effects disabled: constant 25°C​

Temperature effects:
-20 °C: freezing (with damage)
-15 °C: slowness
-10°C: hunger

15-30 °C: extra 2 hearts. Can be changed to any potion effect(s)

+50 °C: no healing
+60 °C: slowness
+65 °C: set on fire

New placeholders:
%rs_temperature% -> returns the players' temperature
%rs_temperaturecolor% -> returns the correct color code for the players' temperature

New API method:
SeasonsAPI.getInstance().getTemperature(Player p) -> returns players' temperature

That's it for the temperature update, details should also be up on the page soon. Hope you enjoy!
----------, Oct 15, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,428
First Release: Jul 18, 2021
Last Update: Feb 9, 2025
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All-Time Rating:
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