Realistic Economy:  Banks, Inflation, Interest, Loans, Lotery and more! icon

Realistic Economy: Banks, Inflation, Interest, Loans, Lotery and more! -----

Control your server with a realistic economy system!

description: Main command for RealisticEconomy
usage: /eco <subcommand>
aliases: [economy, money,bal,balance]
permission: eco.user

Console only can use:
  • eco take <player> amount
  • eco add <player> amount
Admin commands: permission > eco.admin
  • Same as console
  • eco set <player> amount - Only por testing purposses. You must dont use it. This will no pass through bank.
  • eco reload
Player commands:
  • eco pay <player>
  • eco server - To see the server bank balance
  • eco balance
  • eco top
  • eco info - See detailts about the total money and inflation.
description: Main command for RealisticEconomy bank
usage: /bank <subcommand>
permission: eco.user

Players commands:
  • bank info - See details about the interests, you bank balance and debt
  • bank loan - Require a loan
  • bank pay - Pay debt
  • bank deposit
  • bank withdraw
description: Main command for RealisticEconomy lotery
usage: /lotery <subcommand>
permission: eco.user
aliases: [lot]

Admin commands:
  • lottery crate <name> <ticket_price>
  • lottery delete <name>
  • lottery draw <name>
Player Commands
  • lottery Info <name> - See details about the lottery
  • lottery buy <number> - Buy a ticket

description: Main command for RealisticEconomy tokens
usage: /tokens <subcommand>
permission: eco.user

Player commands:
  • tokens balance
  • tokens pay
  • tokens shop

How we calculate inflation

Inflation occurs when the total money supply increases, leading to a potential rise in item prices. In a Minecraft server where players determine prices through supply and demand, inflation is directly linked to the creation of new money. If money only circulates between players without new money being introduced, inflation does not occur. This guide explains how to manage inflation effectively while maintaining a balanced economy.

Understanding Money Circulation vs. Inflation
  • If money simply moves between players and the bank: No inflation occurs.
  • If new money is created: Potential inflation arises if it exceeds market demand.
  • Players determine prices based on supply and demand: Item prices fluctuate naturally but are not necessarily linked to inflation.
Controlling the Creation of New Money
To prevent inflation, limit uncontrolled money generation. Here are some strategies:

  • Reduce excessive rewards: Adjust earnings from jobs, quests, and events to prevent an overflow of money.
  • Limit infinite money sources: Ensure that no system allows players to create unlimited money (e.g., infinite job earnings without restrictions).
  • Control interest rates: Do not change to hight values.

So we use this:


How lottery works

Each lottery has an initial jackpot, a limit of numbers and a ticket purchase price.

Each player can buy tickets by choosing a number. When the lottery is drawn, the prize will be shared among the winners. If not, the jackpot will accumulate until the next draw.

The lotteries can be drawn automatically using a weekly scheduler.

Code (Text):
  ticketsSold: 0
  winningNumber: 0
  tickets: {}
  ticketPrice: 10.0
  jackpot: 100.0
  name: weekly
  numberLimit: 50
  isActive: true
#Dont modifed the initial_server_bank_balance once has been set, it will be used to calculate inflation and deflation.
#To reset the server balance o change it, modify and then remove the database.

#database: sqlite, mysql
data_mode: "sqlite"
url: "host :port/database_name"
username: "yourUsername"
password: "yourPassword"

initial_server_bank_balance: 100000000.0
debt_limit: 5000.0
min_debt_to_remove_seized_when_pay: 4000
loan_interest_per_day: 0.1666
savings_interest_per_day: 0.0833
playtime_minimum_for_loan: 6 #hours
playtime_minimum_for_player_pay: 6 #hours

max_numbers: 50 #Players can choose a number between 1 and 50
jackpot: 100.0 #Initial jackpot for each lottery
taxes: 0.1 #10%
- "weekly" #Lottery name
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3
First Release: Feb 3, 2025
Last Update: Feb 7, 2025
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