Version 3.1.9
- Fixed Town Dependency Checks. Thank you
- New quests.yml default config. 19 available quests
- quests.yml warnings update on plugin startup
- passives.yml warnings update on plugin startup
- Added non-pooled quests to all related GUIs
- Updated cool downs to show as day, hours, minutes, and seconds to players.
- Ranks/ranks.config change: GUIType Removed
- config.yml change: GUIType added to GUI.<GUI> where applicable. See wiki for new config
- Default GUIType changed to Scroll to support large amounts of ranks, quests, and achievements
- Reload command reworked and functions as intended
- New Job specific level up token
- new Skill specific level up token
New commands:
/rq give <PlayerName> mcMMOToken <Amount> - no change (all mcMMO selection GUI)
/rq give <PlayerName> mcMMOToken <SkillName> <Amount> - give players skill specific token (provides level up when used and deletes)
/rq give <PlayerName> JobsToken <Amount> - no change (all job selection GUI)
/rq give <PlayerName> JobsToken <JobName> <Amount> - give players job specific token (provides level up when used and deletes)
/rq selectnewquests true|false - manually roll new quests. True will reset the timer
New Permissions:
RaindropQuests.command.give.<SkillName> - required to give specific mcMMO token (appropriate player permission still required to use)
RaindropQuests.command.give.<JobName> - required to give specific Jobs token (appropriate player permission still required to use)