New feature by request: Custom links command! Citizens removal, and more!
Fixed info command to use new DBInterface
Removed Citizens in lieu of setup through Citizens - everything RDQ did can be done with Citizens commands instead - and provide better functionality
- Removed all NPC commands
- Removed all NPC permissions
Added /<BaseCommand> which will provide players a pageable list of available commands
By Request:
***Links feature!*** - Provide players custom links using RDQ command!
- /rq link provides players pageable list of available links - each link is clickable Note: player only command (Player will not see links they do not have permission for)
- /rq link <PageNumber> - go to specific page - Note: Player only
- /rq link <TargetPlayer> <PageName> - provide player a clickable link - Note: Server and Player command
- Set link id (unique - permission - key), link name (appears in-game), hex color (link color), description (hover text), and URL (location) in links.yml
-* - Parent permission to view and use all links
-<LinkID> - Permission to use specific link
- - Permission to use link command
- RaindropQuests.command.LinkTarget - Permission to send a link to another player (target only requires permission to open link i.e.
- Added RaindropQuests.item.mcMMOTOken.* parent permission
- Added RaindropQuests.item.JobsToken.* parent permission
- Fixed RaindropQuests.* not inheriting some new permissions