# #
# WEB #
# #
# Developed by ItsRainingHP #
# Join 1.19.4 server at AntiMatterZoneMC.com #
https://discord.gg/PqqXNNBs9Z #
# #
# Support #
https://discord.gg/pqG9DWm #
# If true, a web server is enabled on plugin start for players to access using linked discord account
Enabled: false
# To give players access outside your network use a reverse proxy like nginx and point it to this port
# Alternatively, you can open the port to external users via router (*!*not recommended*!*)
Port: 8080
# Entities that will appear red in the list
Bosses: [SkeletalKnight]
# Authentication expiration (in days) - Note: Expiration on server restart
# For added security - tokens are stored in plugin memory only and are not accessible outside RDQ. Thus, server restarts
# will reset logins. If server owners request token retention outside the plugin I will add the feature.
Expiration: 30
# Channel used in Discord SRV
Channel: "global"
# Please use
https://discordjs.guide/oauth2/#a-quick-example "Getting an Oauth2 URL" guide to set this up
Client_ID: "0000000000000000000"
Client_Secret: ""
# This must end in /auth.html
Redirect_URL: ""
Token: "";
# This is the base URL for the web GUI. Use an IP address for internal access or set up a reverse proxy
# and set it to a domain like
Proxy: ""
OAuth_URL: ""