Code (Text):
#Config Version 2 by Yukun
#- %player% for player's display name -- usable in quest item lores and names, and messages for beginning and completing the quest.
#- %rank% for rank name with colour codes -- usable in quest item lores and names, and messages for beginning and completing the quest.
#- %time% for time left on the quest item -- usable in CdName.
# Region checking options #
CheckWarzone: 'true'
CheckWorldGuard: 'true'
CheckBlacklist: 'true'
WarzoneName: 'Warzone'
PvPFlag: 'false'
- 'pvp'
- 'warzone'
- 'safezone'
- 'spawn'
# Quest item options #
#Item type of quest. Please use bukkit item names for this.
QuestItemType: 'MAGMA_CREAM'
#Name of item to start quest.
Name: '%rank% &bQuest &7(Right Click)'
#Lore to be added to the quest item that is given to the player. (usable placeholders: %rank%, %player%)
- '&7Survive in the &cWarzone &7long enough'
- '&7to complete this Rank Quest and'
- '&7receive a %rank% &bRank.'
- ''
- '&f&lUSE: &r&7To begin this rank quest,'
- '&f&lright-click &r&7this item inside the &cWarzone&7.'
- '&7You must survive until the quest timer'
- '&7runs out to receive your %rank% &bRank.'
- ''
- '&c&lWARNING: &r&7If you leave the &cWarzone&7'
- '&7at any time, the quest timer resets.'
# Countdown item options #
#Name of item while doing quest. (usable placeholders: %time%, %rank%, %player%)
CdName: '%rank% &bQuest <%time%s>'
#Lore for item while it is counting down. (usable placeholders: %rank%, %player%)
- '&b&lRank Quest Started!'
- '&7Survive in the &cWarzone&7 long enough'
- '&7to complete this Rank Quest and'
- '&7receive a %rank% &bRank Voucher!'
- ''
- '&7You must survive until the quest timer'
- '&7runs out to receive your %rank% &bRank.'
- ''
- '&c&lWARNING: &r&7If you leave the &cWarzone&7'
- '&7at any time, the quest timer resets.'
# Rank and voucher options #
#List your ranks under this.
#Used for %rank% placeholder.
RankName: '&fVIP'
#Time of the quest in seconds.
Time: '30'
#Settings for rank voucher.
#item name for rank voucher (usable placeholders: %rank%)
Name: '&b&lRANK &e"&l%rank%&r&e" &7(Right Click)'
#Number of vouchers given to the player when quest is completed.
Amount: '1'
#The item you want to use as the Voucher. Please use bukkit item names for this.
VoucherItemType: 'PAPER'
#Commands to run when voucher is clicked. Make sure this is a console compatible command!
- 'manuadd %player% VIP'
Lore: #Lore to be added to the voucher item (usable placeholders: %rank%, %player%)
- '&7Use this item to'
- '&7get the &fVIP Rank'
- '&7on the &cFactions &7server!'
- '&7Given to: %player%'