New command/feature, /rankquest give command fix and config simplication!
Note: This is a major update, you don't need to regenerate your configs, but you are highly advised to! Do read the whole update before doing anything!
Also do remember to reload the plugin to regenerate the Redeem.yml file, which I use for saving stuff!
Fixed: /rankquest give command throwing out errors or falsely detecting a full inventory (reported by
Added: If a player's inventory is full, the rank quests get saved to a file for claiming later. (Suggested by
Added: /rankquest redeem command for redeem unclaimed rank quests. (Suggested by
Changed: Configuration formatting and some messages. Look below for details. (With help from
Config.yml: Removed the list of ranks under RankQuestOptions:Ranks:
Moved the actual rank quest options at RankQuestOptions:VIP: to RankQuestOptions:Ranks:VIP:
Remember when you move the actual rank quest options under Ranks to indent them 2 more spaces in! (Some people don't see this line apparently ) New Config.yml is listed here and on the plugin page for reference:
Code (Text):
#Config Version 1 by Yukun
#- %player% for player's display name -- usable in quest item lores and names, and messages for beginning and completing the quest.
#- %rank% for rank name with colour codes -- usable in quest item lores and names, and messages for beginning and completing the quest.
#- %time% for time left on the quest item -- usable in CdName.
#Whether you want the plugin to check if the player is in Warzone
CheckWarzone: 'true'
#Whether you want the plugin to check if the player is in Worldguard regions. If both factions and worldguard are enabled, WORLDGUARD GETS CHECKED FIRST.
CheckWorldGuard: 'true'
#Whether you want the plugin to check for blacklisted regions.
CheckBlacklist: 'true'
#Name of Warzone
WarzoneName: 'Warzone'
#Whether you want the plugin to check for the PvP flag in worldguard. Default false.
PvPFlag: 'false'
#Name of regions you want the quest item to work in (Not case specific)
- 'pvp'
- 'warzone'
#Name of regions you want the quest item to NOT work in (Not case specific)
- 'safezone'
- 'spawn'
#Name of item to start quest.
Name: '%rank% &bQuest &7(Right Click)'
#Please use bukkit item names for this.
QuestItemType: 'MAGMA_CREAM'
#Name of item while doing quest. (usable placeholders: %time%, %rank%, %player%)
CdName: '%rank% &bQuest <%time%s>'
CdLore: #Lore for item while it is counting down. (usable placeholders: %rank%, %player%)
- '&b&lRank Quest Started!'
- '&7Survive in the &cWarzone&7 long enough'
- '&7to complete this Rank Quest and'
- '&7receive a %rank% &bRank Voucher!'
- ''
- '&7You must survive until the quest timer'
- '&7runs out to receive your %rank% &bRank.'
- ''
- '&c&lWARNING: &r&7If you leave the &cWarzone&7'
- '&7at any time, the quest timer resets.'
Lore: #Lore to be added to the quest item that is given to the player. (usable placeholders: %rank%, %player%)
- '&7Survive in the &cWarzone &7long enough'
- '&7to complete this Rank Quest and'
- '&7receive a %rank% &bRank.'
- ''
- '&f&lUSE: &r&7To begin this rank quest,'
- '&f&lright-click &r&7this item inside the &cWarzone&7.'
- '&7You must survive until the quest timer'
- '&7runs out to receive your %rank% &bRank.'
- ''
- '&c&lWARNING: &r&7If you leave the &cWarzone&7'
- '&7at any time, the quest timer resets.'
VIP: #Name of rank listed under Ranks
#name of rank with colour codes (used for %rank% placeholder)
RankName: '&fVIP'
#Time of the quest in seconds.
Time: '30'
Voucher: #Settings for rank voucher
#item name for rank voucher (usable placeholders: %rank%)
Name: '&b&lRANK &e"&l%rank%&r&e" &7(Right Click)'
#Number of vouchers given to the player when quest is completed.
Amount: '1'
#The item you want to use as the Voucher. Please use bukkit item names for this.
VoucherItemType: 'PAPER'
#Commands to run when voucher is clicked. Make sure this is a console compatible command!
- 'manuadd %player% VIP'
Lore: #Lore to be added to the voucher item (usable placeholders: %rank%, %player%)
- '&7Use this item to'
- '&7get the &fVIP Rank'
- '&7on the &cFactions &7server!'
- '&7Given to: %player%'
#Message sent if inventory is full when giving a Voucher.
VoucherInventoryFull: '&cYour inventory is full!'
#Message sent if inventory is full when giving a RankQuest.
QuestInventoryFull: '&cYour inventory is full! Please empty out a slot, then use /rankquest redeem!'
New Messages.yml is listed here and on the plugin page for reference:
Code (Text):
#Config Version 1 by Yukun
#- %player% for player's display name
#- %rank% for rank name with colour codes
#- %amount% for amount of items received.
#prefix before all messages
Prefix: '&bRank&eQuests&f >> &7'
#Message sent when player receives a quest item. (usable placeholders: %rank%, %player%, %amount%)
QuestReceive: '&7You have received %amount% %rank% &bQuest Item(s)&7.'
#Message sent when player receives a voucher. (usable placeholders: %rank%, %player%, %amount%)
VoucherReceive: '&7You have received %amount% %rank% &bVoucher(s)&7.'
#Message sent if player tries to start more than 1 rankquest.
OnlyStart1: '&cYou may only do 1 &bRank Quest&c at a time.'
#Message sent if player has more than 1 rankquest in hand.
Only1RankQuest: '&cPlease unstack your &bRank Quest Item&c!'
#Message sent when voucher is used. (usable placeholders: %rank%)
VoucherUse: 'You have used a %rank% &bVoucher&7!'
#Message sent if inventory is full when giving a Voucher.
VoucherInventoryFull: '&cYour inventory is full!'
#Message sent if inventory is full when giving a RankQuest.
QuestInventoryFull: '&cYour inventory is full! Please empty out a slot, then use /rankquest redeem!'
#Message sent if player is not in warzone when starting quest.
NotInWarzone: '&cYou need to be in Warzone to use this item!'
#Message sent if player tries to move quest item in his inventory while doing the quest.
NoMovingQuest: '&cYou may not move the quest item around in your inventory while the quest is ongoing!'
#Message sent if player tries to drop the quest item while doing the quest.
DropItemMessage: '&cYou may not drop the quest item while the quest is ongoing!'
#Message sent to the player that starts the quest.(usable placeholders: %rank%, %player%)
- ''
- '&b&l*** &l%rank% &b&lQUEST STARTED ***'
- '&7You have started a %rank% &bQuest&7! Survive until the'
- '&7timer on your &bRank Quest Item &7reaches &c<0s> &7to claim your'
- '%rank% &bVoucher&7!'
- ''
#Message sent to the player when quest is completed. (usable placeholders: %rank%, %player%)
QuestComplete: '&aYou have completed a %rank% quest! Congratulations!'
#Message broadcast to all other players when quest starts. (usable placeholders: %rank%, %player%)
- ''
- '&b&l*** &l%rank% &b&lQUEST STARTED BY %player%***'
- '&7%player has started a %rank% &bQuest&7! Find him/her in the'
- '&c&lWARZONE&r&7 before the &bRank Quest Item &7reaches &c<0s> to have a'
- '&7shot at getting his %rank% &bQuest Item&7!'
- ''
#Message broadcast to all other players when quest is completed. (usable placeholders: %rank%, %player%)
QuestAllComplete: '&a%player% has completed a %rank% &bRank Quest&a! Congratulations!'
Redeem.yml: Just reload the plugin and you should have this generated. Do not touch it unless I teach you how to, or you know how to edit it without breaking the plugin. Thanks!