After a few months, we I came back to this plugin. This update changes a lot, let's check what's new:
New Features!
- UpdateChecker: there's no point to describing it. It sends a message every 5 minutes that informs you, if plugin is up to date;
- Hex Colours: if your server's version is 1.16+, you can use this function without any problem;
- VersionChecker: now it is more information than function that this plugin needs, but it'll be more useful in the future;
- Chest System: it is change and new feature at once. Now adding new chests and more items are more easily.
- Cooldown Converter: There is new cooldown converter that allows you to use: 1m 30s, not 90.
- More Options to StarterItems: Nothing special, just basic lore and using this function;
- Better Potions Support: Now, all potions (basic, splash and lingering) are working fine (as I tested);
- Now starter items don't throw any exceptions, when they're not being used;
- Fixed amount of chests that you can add to your server;
- Unsafe enchantments are now supported by inventories;