Change log:
- Added new daily rewards
- Completely modified the GUI system, you can now make as many items, and as many GUIs as you want with on-click events
- Optimized most of the plugin
- Changed all config files
- Modified placeholders
Change log:
- Moved from saving data in a YAML file to database
- Many performance changes
- Added a configurable player data check interval in the config
- Database now saves players names instead of UUID
Change log:
- Added customizable messages for some actions (commands)
- Made the date customizable (colors, names)
- Fixed plugin's coloring of messages to work with specific values
- Added a reminder message to claim the personal rewards (chat / bossbar)
- Updated config.yml with more info, as well as organized it some more
- Fixed plugin loading data, now will not overwrite the config with it's default values
- Added PAPI placeholders to display global time >
%raidpool_globalTimeRemaining% -
%raidpool_globalTimeRemainingFormatted% (Requires PlaceholderAPI installed)
- Added
/rpool reload for more easy customization and testing.
Change log:
- Made the plugin smaller by around 900KB
- Made the GUI items customizable in the config
- Made the message from claiming rewards customizable in the config
- Added bStats