What is RaidPool?
● RaidPool is a plugin designed to reward player activity and increase engagement by generating funds based on individual players' server activity. With its timed activity rewards, a global money pool and daily rewards,
RaidPool offers an several ways to reward your players.
Key features
Dynamic Fund Generation
Automatically generates funds for individual players based on their activity within the server.
Encourages player engagement and rewards active participation in server activities.
Simple GUI Interface
Centralized GUI for easy access to all plugin-related features and settings.
● Streamlines the user experience and facilitates efficient management of RaidPool functionalities.
Timed Activity Rewards
Distributes timed activity rewards to players, depositing money directly into their personal vaults.
● Encourages consistent server activity and engagement by providing tangible rewards.
Global Money Pool
Establishes a global money pool that can be split among all online players when the timer reaches zero.
Daily rewards
Encourage players to log in daily to receive rewards and progress with their daily streak.