QuickShop-Hikari - A powerful, user-friendly and reliable ChestShop plugin [1.20-1.21] icon

QuickShop-Hikari - A powerful, user-friendly and reliable ChestShop plugin [1.20-1.21] -----

A shop plugin that allows players to easily sell/buy any items from container without any commands. - Bug fixes
Long time no see! After a nice holiday and a busy exam week, I'm gradually getting back to my old update frequency and planning new functional updates.

But how, I hope you enjoy the update :)

Paper users: If you're running into java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError with addons installed but doesn't working, it's a Paper new plugin loader bug, make sure you have update to Paper-#445 or higher.

Bug Fixes
  1. Fixed /qs export command will create an IOException and doesn't work at all.
  2. Fixed GSON creates IllegalAccessException when I/O per-player notifaction settings on some servers.
  3. Fixed /qs import command doesn't work if database configured prefix.
  1. NoCheatPlus compatibility module was excluded from bundle compatibility modules pack since it's repository down and nobody maintains it. (If there are other forks of active development, please let me know.)
    1. If QuickShop-Hikari is conflicting with the anti-cheat plugin you are using, please open an Issue and I will try to resolve it.
  2. Netease regional legal restrictions has been removed since it not necessary anymore.
----------, Mar 11, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 44,678
First Release: Feb 18, 2022
Last Update: Jan 23, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
28 ratings
Find more info at quickshop-community.github.io...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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