QuickShop-Hikari - A powerful, user-friendly and reliable ChestShop plugin [1.20-1.21] icon

QuickShop-Hikari - A powerful, user-friendly and reliable ChestShop plugin [1.20-1.21] -----

A shop plugin that allows players to easily sell/buy any items from container without any commands. - A optional bug fixes for who migrating from Reremake
This is a small optional bug fix for Hikari.

Bug Fixes
  1. If user upgrading from Reremake legacy version (which released before Minecraft 1.16 updates), the shop sign won't be correctly upgraded or recognized. (It fixed in and all exists signs should be recongnized and upgraded after user click it.) Thanks for @Magma from server ria.red for reporting it (Well, that's probably what happens when production environment servers are upgraded only once in many years XD, I recommend that all server administrators for set up a upgrade schedule for updating plugins).
Other Stuff
We're working on Hikari-v4.0.0.0 and focus on performance optimize (multi-threaded, async, caching etc.), improve loading logic, boost startup speed and improve user experience so it will ready for large network.

Also, this is a great opportunity to make feature requests to us (because this change to the API will create changes, and once the API is fixed, it will be difficult for us to make major feature changes)

You can create your feature request on our Discusstions or Issue Tracker, Looking forward to seeing your thoughts.
----------, Jan 12, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 44,678
First Release: Feb 18, 2022
Last Update: Jan 23, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
28 ratings
Find more info at quickshop-community.github.io...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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