New Features
- Number formatting now follows player's locale
- Messages now will delay to send while player logging in
- QUser now use Fork-Join-Pool to resolve
- InventoryWrapper can now verify that it is still valid
- Display item teleport now use Paper API if available
- Avoid create empty YamlConfiguration instance if no extra data for shop to save memory (lazy init)
Bug Fixes
- Compat/Addon's API getShops may returns the shops that not in selection and cause accident deletion if they in same chunk
- Added multiple missing localization keys
- Player may still to charged even ShopPriceChangeEvent has been cancelled
- Shop creation may failed if user entered a super large number like 999999999999999999999999999999.99 with default new generated configuration
- Some parts didn't use QuickShop's Permission Manager
- Some commands are using the wrong permission node
- quickshop.use permission node was ignored
- /qs staff clear and /qs staff remove won't save to database after modified staff list
- Shop display still spawned even player use /qs toggledisplay to turned it off if server enabled display auto despawn
- Fixed TNE economy type may populate StackOverFlow error while purchasing
Several new Startup Flags have been added to allow users to fine-tune the internal implementation, which will be made available on-demand by developers in the support channel.