Emergency Fix (
- [Emergency] Player allow use `/qs transfer <victim>` to transfer BUYING shops to victim player to treat balances from victim player.
- After, shops recevier must accept the transfer request before shops transfering.
- If you cannot update at this moment, revoke the `quickshop.transfer` permission.
- Sign text now following the interact player's locale.
- New Paper configurations now included in paste.
- `/qs export` and `/qs recovery` now works again after heavy rewrite.
- Those command will export and import all database tables.
- It is not possible to use the same backup between different database versions.
- Use export and recovery feature to migrate database type between H2 and MySQL is possible.
- Transfer command now require receiver confirm.
- Receiver must online during Sender transfering.
- Request will expire in 60 seconds.
- AlwaysCounting feature was removed because the unreasonable design.
- SQL raw executing feature was removed because security reason.
Note: We might release soon if 1.19.1 have NMS changes.