- Fixed method to bedrock resource pack implemenation
- Fixed block break event in protected regions
- Added checks for 0 and negative amounts
- Fixed player_head error for 1.21.4
- Added ability to connect resourcepack for 1.21.4 (threshold)
- Fixed the inclusion of a quarry when purchasing a module.
- Fixed shift click
- Added support for 1.21.4
- Added options where the quarry will turn off if there are no players in the specified range.
- Added the ability to force gradual purchase of modules. So that the player does not immediately buy maximum boosts.
- Added ability to change quarry material to player's head with texture
- Fixed shulker limit
- Reduced load during farm quarry work
- Added support for 1.21.2 and 1.21.3
- Removing old methods and merging cycles.
- Added support for LiteFish plugin
- Added support for MythicalMobs plugin
- Stone quarry now can dig itemsadder/oraxen blocks
- Added list of digging ores for ore/stone quarries
- Added ability to add textures to turned ON/OFF machines.
- Added list of digging ores (for ItemsAdder and Oraxen)
- Added new resource pack with animations for this plugin
- Added support for itemsadder and oraxen ores
- Hidden attributes of elements in the GUI.
- Added ability to use HEX gradient colors.
Example: #(00FF80)Text#(FFFFFF)
- Fixed duplication in the shulker box
- Added null checks for table locations
- Fixed breaking of an quarry with pickaxe on efficiency 10+
- Added fire resistance to all quarries
- Fixed version control for 1.21
- Fixed starting delay.
- Added Italian language.
- Added Russian language.
- Added Portuguese language
- Fixed method of hiding items name & lore for the 1.20.6
- Added 2 supported languages: spanish and turkish
- Added support for 1.20.6
- Now the quarry config is created under each quarry and is not written to one file to avoid tps reduction.
Old careers will not work after the update. You need to break them and then upgrade!
- The mechanism for loading data into memory has been fixed
- Fixed delay on restart leading to crash
- Added dig blocks list to the ore and stone quarry
- Added nether wart and cactus to the farm quarry
- Added support for 1.20.3
- Fixed model pick up, when player stays above a block
- Fixed skull meta for 1.20.2
- Fixed items drop if chest storage is full
- Added the ability to dig up all blocks to the Ore quarry
- Fixed items dupe for oraxen
- Fixed custom model armorstand
- Fixed delay for the shift interact event
- Added support for 1.20.2
- Added resource pack (write in the discord)
- Added more lines to configurate custom model data and empty slots
- Changed function to fill empty slots in GUIs
- Fixed permission quarry.*
- Fixed permission for creating table.
- Made changes to GUI creation due to paper changes
- Added option to enable explosion of quarries.
- Added private mode by default
- If you have LuckyPerms, you can set amount of potentially placed quarries to each group on your server.
Without it, "default" group will be max for all players.
- Fixed bug when player tried to break quarry opened by another player
- Fixed placement by offhand
- Fixed closing by not a owner
- Changed delay timing for reopening menu
- Fixed entity damage event
- Fixed wg protection for older versions
- Fixed mining sounds on version 1.19.4
- Changed config auto-update system
- Added mobs to the mob quarry list
- Added new version - 1.19.4
- Removed non-mine blocks from stone quarry mining.
- Fixed permissions. First of all quarry.*
- Resource extraction radius changed
- Added support for PlayerPoints
- Added explosion protection.
- Added parameter in config to update displays on server startup.
- Added parameter in config to load named worlds on server startup.
- Fixed purchase of bonuses
- Added 5 variations of extraction and storage of resources:
1) To internal inventory.
2) In the chest next to the quarry.
3) Into the funnel.
4) Drop will drop next to the quarry.
5) Drop will drop out at the resource extraction site.
- Fixed quarry and item descriptions
- Added option to update displays on server startup.
- Added option to force loading named worlds.
- Fixed cane farming on version 1.12.2
- added support for 1.12.2
- Fixed /quarry command
- Added ability for stone quarry to dig different blocks under it
- Fixed block break event in survival mode