QuantumRewards | Create rewards for your players! Fully Customizable icon

QuantumRewards | Create rewards for your players! Fully Customizable -----

"A fully customizable rewards plugin to reward your players for playing on your server!

Bug fixes
- Fixed the /rewards admin set cooldown command, as it was incorrectly setting the cooldown for players.
- Messages related to the /rewards admin set command are now correctly processed with vanilla and RGB colors.
- The base permissions for players have been fixed, and they now work properly according to the plugin's information.
- Fixed the issues that prevented notifications when there was a new plugin update.
- Fixed the streak notifications in the GUI and in the reward claim messages, as they didn't match the player's actual streak.
- Some messages have been changed to English.
- A new folder called 'messages' has been created, which contains the messages in Spanish. For now, if you want to use the messages in Spanish, you will need to replace the content of es_ES.yml with the messages.yml file.
----------, Today at 6:57 AM
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 26
First Release: Yesterday at 6:10 PM
Last Update: Today at 6:57 AM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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