Please re-generate your config.yml for the new options to appear.
Added a new option to "HideCredits" which will remove the credits section from the Main GUI entirely;
Added an option in the messages.yml file to customise the title of the Passives GUI;
Added upcoming features to the main mining menu (/mine menu);
Added the option to change the default values for the amount of Zeta breaking specific ores get in the config.yml
General Changes:
Removed "HideSpigotURL" from the config.yml;
Added the coming soon tag to the singularity and removed a method which previously allowed players to access the GUI;
Removed the (/mine singularity) command for now;
Fixed the Mining Passives GUI title not having any color on it;
Removed some messages from the default messages.yml that are no longer in use;
Altered some of the default messages in the messages.yml file to look like everything else;
Removed the Augment section from the mining journal;
Moved the Gemstone section in the mining journal to where the Augment section was originally.
There will be more customisable options in the upcoming updates. These are just some new options and mainly just refining everything in the plugins current state.