PyroFarming [1.14.X - 1.21.X] icon

PyroFarming [1.14.X - 1.21.X] -----

Plant custom plants, bushes, and become the ultimate farmer on your server.

- Added ``/farm placeditems`` command. This will list all the locations of your placed Growstations and Bushes.
- Added ``/farm friends`` command. This lets you grant other players access to your Bushes and Growstations. (Does not allow breaking).
- Added ``/fht`` as a tournament alias.
- Added Elysium Gain.
- Added Growstation upgrades.

General Changes:
- Rebalanced every single price, and sell price for plants according to a new formula. This should mean that everything is now balanced across the board and has a nice scaling formula for higher leveled plants and bushes.
- Buffed XP you get from Bushes by 2.5x
- Changed the Plant XP formula to take into consideration plants that grow multiple items.
- Changed the Growstations max default water capacity from 10,000 -> 14,400. (4 hours exactly).
- Changed the default tournament times to run on a schedule every 4 hours from 1am server time.
- [Optimisation] Changed the Trait Ticker to run the chunk check, after conditions are met.
- [Optimisation] Changed the order of which the chunk checks are done in bush/growstation tickers to be more efficient.
- [Optimisation] All threads that should have been async, are now running async.

- Fixed an issue with the Dehydration Trait.
- Fixed Netherwart and Wheat tournaments not working.
- Fixed a bunch of issues now that thread are running asynchronusly.
- Fixed an issue where Bushes were not growing properly.
- Fixed the Growth Percentage not alligning with modifiers that increase/decrease the growth time.
- Fixed Growstation XP not persisting across plugin reloads, restarts and block placing and breaking.
- Fixed issues with some commands in console.

Countless other changes, too many to really list.
----------, Jul 2, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 304
First Release: Jul 2, 2023
Last Update: Nov 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
14 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings