You need to reset your configs if posible or add:
Code (Text):
IPMuteItem: "TNT"
IPMuteLocation: 7
IPMuteName: "&a&lIP Mute"
- '&fMute Duration: &eIP MUTE'
- ' '
- ' '
IPBanItem: "TNT"
IPBanLocation: 8
IPBanName: "&a&lIP BAN"
- '&fBan Duration: &eIP BAN'
- ' '
- ' '
To the guiitems.yml
Code (Text):
IPBanMessage: "&7Banned %player% for 1 month for Fly Hack/Forcefield/Speed Hack/Reach Hack/Other Hack - Also for second offenders!"
IPBanReason: "IPBAN - Network Ban"
IPMuteMessage: "&7Banned %player% for 1 month for Fly Hack/Forcefield/Speed Hack/Reach Hack/Other Hack - Also for second offenders!"
IPMuteReason: "IPMUTE - Network Ban"
To ban reason.yml