This update adds (2) brand new types of voting rewards which will be awarded to the players based on their standing in either the weekly or monthly leaderboards. You can define custom rewards for specific places or generalize them by rewarding all top 10 players for example.
Example rewards.yml:
Code (Text):
# ======================================================
# ProVotes Version: 1.1.2
# Created by: JC_Plays_MC
# ======================================================
# Rewards File
# This file will store all of your defined rewards that will awarded to
# players based on a number of factors such as permissions, chance, and cumulative
# total. If you have any other suggestions for reward types let me know!
# ======================================================
# Types of Rewards:
# Permission Rewards - Gives players the reward with the highest priority that they have permisison for
# Chance Rewards - Gives the player a 1/X chance with X being the rewards chance (ex. 1/5)
# Cumulative Rewards - Gives the player a reward once they've reached X amount of votes (can be monthly or total)
# ======================================================
# Examples:
# permission_rewards:
# default: ##The identifier for the reward
# priority: 0 ##The priority of this permission reward (higher priorities override)
# permission: provotes.receive ##The permission for this reward
# actions: [] ##The actions to be executed for the reward
# chance_rewards:
# default: ##The identifier for the reward
# chance: 2 ##The chance for the player to receive the reward (1/chance)
# actions: [] ##The actions to be executed for the reward
# cumulative_rewards:
# default: ##The identifier for the reward
# amount: 5 ##The total amount of votes required to receive this reward
# lifetime: true ##Whether or not to base the amount off of lifetime votes or monthly
# actions: [] ##The actions to be executed for the reward
# weekly_rewards:
# first_place: ##The identifier for the reward
# positions: [] ##The positions which will receive this reward
# actions: [] ##The actions to be executed for the reward
# monthly_rewards:
# first_place: ##The identifier for the reward
# positions: [] ##The positions which will receive this reward
# actions: [] ##The actions to be executed for the reward
# ======================================================
priority: 0
permission: provotes.receive
- '[Message] &aDefault vote action'
chance: 2
- '[Message] &eChance vote action'
amount: 5
lifetime: true
- '[Message] &eCumulative vote action'
- 1
- '[GiveItem] DIAMOND;64'
- '[Message] &c[&c&lVOTES&c] &7You finished &a&l1st Place &7with the most weekly
votes! &7(&b%weekly_votes% votes&7)'
- 1
- '[GiveItem] EMERALD;64'
- '[Message] &c[&c&lVOTES&c] &7You finished &a&l1st Place &7with the most monthly
votes! &7(&b%monthly_votes% votes&7)'
This new rewards work almost identically to the other rewards so there shouldn't be any learning curve. Hopefully you all enjoy this update and the plugin. If you do a rating would be greatly appreciated