ProVotes Updates:
- Updated ProVotes placeholders to conform to the new library
CS-API Updates:
- Economies
- Implemented new economy system to add for additional functionality. Initial support includes Vault, GangsPlus, and TokenEnchant (if you have any plugins you wish to be added let me know!)
- Documentation for economies can be found here
- Placeholders (Please delete your placeholders.yml to have the new placeholders generated)
- Separated out bed placeholders from players, each can be enabled/disabled separately now.
- Added economy and permission placeholders for player and offline-player.
- Allow for registered placeholders to specify if they can be replaced asynchronously
- Tasks
- Added new assertion tasks to allow you to add additional custom logic for your actions
- Added new economy tasks (The vault-give and vault-take are now considered deprecated and will eventually be removed, please update your actions to utilize these new tasks)
- All lists of actions will now check to ensure they're not run on the server main thread
- Updated a number of dependency versions, it will now also only log the warning if the version does not start with the referenced string.
As always if you have any questions, issues, or suggestions be sure to reach out in the
Culley Studios discord! If you're enjoying the updates a review is always greatly appreciated