ProVotes [1.7 - 1.21] - Increase player voting! icon

ProVotes [1.7 - 1.21] - Increase player voting! -----

Increase your servers visibility by rewarding users for voting for your server!

Version: 1.20.9-CS-API
Terrible performance. .
Author's response
Thanks for taking the time to leave a review.

Version: 1.20.3-CS-API
Tengo errores en consola tras la actualización . El soporte de discord suda de ti aunque tengas licencia no te proporcionan ningun tipo de ayuda cuando el problema es de la copilacion de dicho plugin.
Antes este complemento era top ahora me esta dejando mucho que desear

Version: 1.20.1-CS-API
Deleted my old review due to it being inaccurate now.
Old review: "Was a really good plugin, everything got messed up though. There is actually **NO** documentation, the link simply doesnt exist. Older versions are great, more recent versions aren't."

The developer responded to my review, the documentation not showing up was an error and has been fixed.

Version: 1.20.1
Was a really good plugin, everything got messed up though. There is actually **NO** documentation, the link simply doesnt exist. Older versions are great, more recent versions aren't.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. We would appreciate if you follow the support process stated being that in our Discord server if you want assistance. We were unaware that the documentation for ProVotes doesn't appear to be displaying on our website and will look into fixing it. I don't understand exactly why you're stating older versions are better and would encourage you to reach out to us.

Edit: We've fixed the issue with the ProVotes documentation

Version: 1.19.1-CS-API
I’m giving ProVotes a 1 star rating because, despite the plugin being decent, the overall experience has been extremely frustrating.

The documentation is practically non-existent, making it hard to figure out how to use the plugin effectively.

The technical support is very poor.

Not only do they respond with a rude attitude, but if you mirror their tone, they delete your messages instead of helping.

The support team is more interested in bouncing you from one place to another than actually resolving your issues.

I've noticed that many others have had similar problems, and instead of improving their attitude and being more helpful, they just make excuses for all the bad reviews.

Save yourself the headache and look for a plugin with better documentation and a more professional support team.

Much love,
Author's response
Thanks for the review. We advised you how to proceed if you needed support, but you chose this route instead. Rather sad you’ve decided to give a 1 star review based solely on support.

Version: 1.19.0-CS-API
I have tried in several ways to reach out to you in order to get help, but unfortunately every point of contact you have provided is dead. Although the plugin is good, the documentation has a lot of information holes and what good is a plugin without documentation and support. I really want to give this plugin a high rating, but until you reach out to me and help me, it will stay this way.
Author's response
Thanks for taking the time to write this review rather than reach out. You have not reached out using the state support method being our Discord server. You shouldn't review a plugin based on support, as support is completely optional and unrelated to your purchase. We only include (1) year of support from your date of purchase, if you want to extend your support you can purchase an extension.

We don't have to reach out to you, you can feel free to leave this biased and untruthful review.

Version: 1.16.3
Well, I'm not one to give low reviews but unfortunately this plugin doesn't promise everything it delivers, I'll tell you about it, I bought the plugin and after buying it I contacted the author of the plugin he told me to be patient as Paypal was slow so I was a little anxious and I kept asking questions in the meantime, he asked me to be patient, I respected him, so I asked the last question, if I had executed the right command, and then he simply punished me on discord, I couldn't speak for 24 hours, when I came out of mute, I managed to verify myself, but the author of this plugin is very impatient with people and everything you ask for he tells you to look at the documentation.

the plugin does not support Multi-Server, it only supports mysql, and the author says he has no motivation to change that, but that's ok I respect him, the only thing I didn't like is that the plugin author is very impatient with people and is also rude for any reason he can punish you on discord and say that you broke the rules, I didn't ask anything but questions, now I'm using the plugin VotingPlugin it's 100% free and I was able to sync between servers, If a One day the author of this plugin treats people well and isn't rude, I'll come back here and give him 5 stars, for now use VotingPlugin, it's free and has everything you need.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. Sorry to hear you weren't able to get it working to your liking despite the numerous support responses over multiple days attempting to help you.

To clarify it does support multiple servers in many ways, I don't understand why you're claiming it doesn't. Additionally, you were in no way patient and asked for exemptions at least 5+ times instead of being willing to wait what ended up being ~3 hours (despite my replies kindly asking for your patience).

Seems how your review is purely based on support I don't know how you possibly justified a one star review, but that's your prerogative.

Edit: User violated TOS and disputed purchase

Version: 1.15.9-CS-API
I managed to set up my server again and when I installed the plugins on my server they do not work, I go to Discord support and they give me a code that I must enter in my minecraft server console and no confirmation message is seen in the console not even in the game.
It's really sad that the plugin doesn't work and support doesn't seem to work on Discord.
I bought the plugin last year and currently I can't use it..

Version: 1.15.1-CS-API
The owner muted me from their discord server after I tried reaching for support, this plugin has great potential but the steps to verify are pretty annoying, they give you a command to execute on your server which most of the time doesn't work because of HTTP errors, which make you unable to verify, today on the 25/08/2023 I finally verified, asked for support as a verified user, and the owner proceeded to mute me for 24h because i said "fking finally", after so many attempts at verification and he mutes me for that damn that must be a great support lol, dont spend your money on this, as you can see on the all time rating is not even that great for rewards, does nothing special.
Author's response
We’re sorry that you felt the need to leave this review. You were not following the rules of the server and swore multiple times. As a result we decided to mute you for 24hours. If you had read the messages that you had received multiple times you would’ve known how to confirm your support, or follow the backup process in place. There is a process that you along with everyone else must follow, we do not give special treatment or make exceptions. Everyone is upheld to the same standard.

Version: 1.13.3-CS-API
It's a good plugin for those who like to keep things simple for players when it comes to voting. I do like VotingPlugin but it has way more features than what's necessary and the configuration here is a bite more straightforward.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad to hear you like the simplicity of the plugin. If you have any questions, be sure to reach out in our Discord channel :)

Version: 1.11.3-CS-API
Instead of trying to solve the problem, I was ignored, I switched to VotingPlugin, where my problem is not and is free. Text from previous rating: The plugin performs its functions, but instead of writing specific advice, the support only refers to the plugin's documentation. If I send them an error, they will delete the message on the discord. (reduced by one star compared to the previous rating)
Author's response
Thanks for the review. We actually don’t know what exactly you’re referring to as we don’t see any messages in the ProVotes support channel from anyone including yourself in the past 20 days. We would like to help you however we need you to reach out to us in order to do that.

Version: 1.11.0-CS-API


Voy a ver si logro armar un tutorial para el plugin porque la verdad que si costo configurarlo.

Perdon por la puntuacion negativa que habia dado anteriormente.

Un saludo ♥
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad to hear you were able to get it up an running.

Version: 1.10.2-CS-API
ProVotes severely lacks in many basic features, where many free alternatives have achieved a far greater level of functionality and flexibility, than that of a paid plugin, where you'd expect a much higher standard.

The developer complains here ( about adding complexity to his plugin, and yet I iterate once again, this is a paid plugin, where you expect this kind of complexity to add quality, and show effort.

In addition to this poorly lacking plugin, the developer is very passive aggressive, as many other reviews have correctly highlighted. It is sadly evident that this developer does not take suggestions from clients seriously or openly, as shown here,( moments after saying, and I quote "We didn't and don't currently want to keep database records". Making this statement, passive aggressive and very condescending.

To conclude, simply don't buy this plugin. There are many feature-rich alternatives with genuinely caring and dedicated developers. This plugin is nothing more than a cash grab, and the price stamp certainly does not match the end product.
Author's response
Thanks for the review. You sent a message asking why a feature was implemented the way it was. We stated why however you were not satisfied and decided to comment going on your rant rather than just requesting the feature like you could have. We had stated we would consider adding it however you decided to make comments, as we are not looking to have arguments over nothing in our support channels we decided to lock your support.

If you really wanted something to be added you would have approached the situation asking, however that’s not what you were looking for.

Have a good one.

Version: 1.9.4-CS-API
The plugin performs its functions, but instead of writing specific advice, the support only refers to the plugin's documentation. If I send them an error, they will delete the message on the discord.
Author's response
Thanks for the review.

We link you to documentation when there is in fact an answer to your questions/inquires which has already documented or can be solved without our intervention. If there are any persistent issues which need to be reported you need to provide all of the relevant information we ask for. We had already told you this prior however you still decided to not provide it, so ultimately we decided to remove your message with little context.

Version: 1.9.3-CS-API

Lamento haber gastado dinero en este plugin :/
Author's response
The reviews are not the place for this, you never reached out for support either so not sure what this is on about.

Version: 1.8.5
The plugin works as intended. Happy with my purchase. Can't really fault anything. The information is all on the website, you just need to search around as it's a little less conspicuous than a wiki page on GitHub or alike. I'm glad the developer has turned over a new leaf and improved the customer experience. It's truly the most important part of a successful plugin. 5 Stars *****
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad you like the plugin and appreciate the kind words! If you have any suggestions to improve the documentation experience let me know :)

Version: 1.8.4
An amazing plugin definitely worth buying. Thank you very much I was looking for a suitable plugin for my servers!

ps: I am sorry for my English. :)
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad to hear you like the plugin and it suits your needs :)

Version: 1.8.3
Author's response
I literally linked the exact page 2 seconds later (but you already raged and left the Discord server) because you chose not to actually read through the documentation yourself ( You're right I tend to not answer questions i've already written documentation for.

The interaction which the user left before even waiting for my response (as you can see this all happened within 5 mins with plenty of critical thinking involved).

Thanks for this useless review.

Version: 1.8.1
Haven't had anything wrong with this plugin, you people just don't know how to set anything up lol. Anybody who's used to yml files will have an easy time figuring this out.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! Glad to hear you haven’t had any issues with it :)

Version: 1.7.6
-100/10 support. It is terrible! Not worth to buy it. Dev's only prio is grabbing money and not even to help his costumers!
Author's response
Usually I would say thanks for the review, but this is completely and utterly baseless. You asked one question and I provided you the accompanying documentation within a rather quick timeframe I might add. Please remove this review as it has no standing whatsoever.


This plugin works really well, and has a ton of features that I couldn't find anywhere else. I've searched through a bunch of plugins, and this is the only one that works the way I want it to.
The support is also great. Quick and friendly support.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, happy I was able to help you out and get up and running!

Version: 1.6.1
Complicated plugin, lack of documentation. Definitely needs more explaining on how to work with settings.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, rather upsetting you didn’t reach out through the support channels stated before posting this. Would’ve been more helpful if you could’ve provided suggestions as I have added pages upon pages of documentation, if you don’t reach out then how can it possibly improve.

Version: 1.4.2
Lo uso desde hace mucho tiempo, años... y siempre funciono bien. Ahora entre para ver si estaba actualizado y aun no (**please update to 1.16.1**) pero me encuentro con reseñas negativas sin sentidos. Durante años lo eh usado y no tiene sentido las reseñas, dicen que es difícil de configurar... por favor no siempre es pone "true" o "false", ademas los que se quejan que se les rompe la configuración porque hacen configuran algo mal... configuren en una copia del archivo.yml

Version: 1.4.2
Very overly complicated plugin, even once setup it's buggy. The dev seems to be money grabbing since he's put up a spring sale for a plugin that doesn't work and hasn't been updated this year. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. Use VotingPlugin... its free and very easy to use.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, funny that you’ve been using the plugin since 2017 and this is your first review, and of course it’s a negative one. Guess you didn’t mind the years of free updates without posting anything positive during that time. No this is not a money grab, this is a fully functioning product being offered for public sale.

Version: 1.4.2
The plugins default configuration decided it was a good idea to give every player on my server stacks of diamonds, gold and emeralds... Also its not easy to configure.

Version: 1.4.1
Terrible plugin, Terrible support. I wish I listened to the reviews before purchasing.

Version: 1.4.1
Not sure why the ratings are low on the plugin. It has an extremely high amount of options and configuration. Definitely one of the best out there.

Version: 1.4.1
Great plugin, have been using it for a few years now. I personally am glad i have purchased this plugin, and would recommend purchasing it if you are after an a light but feature packed voting plugin. (This review replaces my old one:

Version: 1.4.1
Ok this is rediculious. The plugin works... fine but when I make 1 error in the rewards.yml, the WHOLE file reset causing me to redo hours of work. Absurd and unacceptable for a premium plugin of this caliber.

Version: 1.4-beta
this plugin is great been using it for a while, it does everything we require for my server. hopefuly it updates to 11.14 soon so we can continue to use it

Version: 1.4-beta
Been using this on 1.13.2, works great, not sure why everyone is leaving such bad reviews.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, glad you’re making good use of it!

Version: 1.3.6-beta
Great plugin, have been using it for a year or so now. Currently this plugin does not work properly or support versions above 1.13, with the Dev admittedly saying he has no planned time-frame at the moment for updating the plugin to support the newer versions. Overall good plugin but come back for it later when newer versions are supported if you're interested in purchasing it for your server network.

Version: 1.3.6-beta
This is my first review of a plugin. This was terrible and I mean terrible support. I could not find what I was looking for in any config comments nor in the limited documentation the author provided. So I reached out to the author directly as stated on the plugin page. I spent 1/2 the day recieving PMs about how I have no business being a server admin. Insult after insult, and not one time did he even provide help. He told me how great he was and how pathetic I was. The only advice he gave me was to go read rather Google an external site and educate myself. I also know that he will insult me here too, because reading through the reviews he cannot take feedback unless it praises his "glorious" plugin. So I will be expecting that. I figured out my issue, no thanks to him. I reached out to another dev friend of mine and it was a 30 second fix, the dev friend was confused by the documentation because again unclear. The plugin seems to function fine, but if you have an issue goodluck getting any kind of support. I wouldn't waste your money on something that is free on Spigot that does as much or more and has support!
Author's response
This is your 2nd review of this plugin alone (you deleted your previous). You refused to listen to me in any sense and wouldn’t read up on YAML, it’s not my problem if you don’t understand how to format a configuration file. Thanks for the review I guess.

Version: 1.3.6-beta
I like the idea of this plugin, its really great and it works great for single server and no problem at all. However for bungee server its not working properly. I already message the author on 3rd and 8th sep 2018 and until now he didn't give any respond beside his auto-respond. Other than that this plugin is awesome and works so well in single server and this plugin offer bunch of stuff server owner can do with it.

Version: 1.3.6-beta
Honestly I loved this plugin but there's to many bugs for 1.13.1. I can't continue using a plugin that has console spam. The plugin has not yet been updated to work fully on 1.13.1. When or if it works on 1.13.1 I will change my review. I have switched to a working voting plugin which is free > VotingPlugin.

I do not recommend this plugin. Author is very inactive on all of his resources. Doesn't accept support very well and will ignore all support requests unless it's posted on his github which he boasts about having over 150 closed issues. Most of them are rejected support requests.

He is

1. very rude to his customers.
2. doesn't accept support on this site.
3. argues with everyone and leaves petty comments / replies on his customers reviews.

The author is very rude to people and he even reported me and got a moderator to help in his discussions. It's upsetting to see such a good resource go down hill. I tried getting support on another one of this author's resources called ProQuests a while ago and he refused and forced me to go to github. It took a long time to get fixed obviously i don't expect it to be done over night but he didn't even reply he just closed the requests and ignored me for 24 hours " due to his terms " which are outrageous.

This plugin has started to bug out for me and it doesn't update very well with the voting statistics that this plugin offers. It also doesn't seem to get updated that often. No new features and a very lazy developer who is extremely rude to people.

I speak from experience with this developer and i must stay truthful to my word. I do NOT recommend any of this authors resources as he is extremely rude and refuses to support people on this platform. He also doesn't seem to be updating. His github is very inactive and it doesn't look like an update is coming soon.
Author's response
We have already discussed this I don’t understand why you’re posting reviews which don’t even reference the resource. I suppose I’ll have to involve moderators again seems how you won’t listen to reason.

I got worst service form author.
I just sent issue then blocked me :)
Although I bought 4 plugins form this author.
Author's response
Never blocked you, you’re just posting negative reviews on all my plugins for no reason.

Hello, please update this plugin and bug fix! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! :D
Author's response
Maybe actually contact me with some context as to these “errors” as nothing has been reported to me. The reviews are not to ask for any type of support or help. You literally just gave a 3 star review with no context, I genuinely don’t understand why people post reviews if they are in now way constructive.

bugged doesn't forward votes right. there is more functional free alternatives. like nuvoteifier and gal
Author's response
NuVotifier is not a rewarding plugin and GAL has been inactive and unsupported for over a year now. This comparison makes no sense in addition you didn’t even state why you’re leaving this abismal review. Anyone who actually considers this review when considering purchasing this plugin probably shouldn’t buy it anyways. Have a great day!

*** DO NOT purchase this plugin. ***
No response and no supports from this developer.
There are many bugs.

No response from the developer, tons of bugs, would not buy if I was you, you better off with another plugin then this one...

I really do like the concept of this plugin but the problem is it glitches sometimes. The glitches may vary but the problem is when using this plugin I just don't feel like it's very solid and it's easy to use. I'm sure it had something to do on my side but the support for this plugin is not the best. The developer generally takes a while to respond. If support improves I'd be happy to change my rating.

**Read before purchasing - Plugin semi broken/unusable **
I had really high hopes for this plugin (As I believe many others did) The features seems exactly what I was looking for.

But after now almost three weeks running this plugin on my network I can confidently say that this plugin is semi broken. Its semi usable but features work inconsistently or not at all.
Ill list some of the problems:
1. Leaderboard feature is completely broken (both local & MySQL)
2. Commands with no action are still displayed within help. (Lazy developer).
3. Cumulative vote rewards are very inconsistent.
4. A lot of other people seem to be having problems with the plugin wiping saved vote data randomly (see discussions tab)
5. Im quite sure there are more issues that haven't been addressed to, I will come back and update my review if I find any more.

On top of all of this, I have also tried the plugin DailyBonus which is also developed by @JC_Plays_MC and that is completely broken (wasted 3hours setting it up to find this out). The developer is extremely ignorant. As you will see in the discussions section and I could also prove him not replying at all to any of my PM's (Ive sent at least 3).

Honestly, Dont waste your money like I did guys!
Author's response
Your 'issue' was resolved in the most recent update for the 'LastMonthVotes' column not being generated so I have no idea what your issue is. As for the other things you have mentioned they all work and if they didn't I would expect someone to provide me some evidence of such so I can address the issue. Im not familiar with which commands are still displayed in the help and don't know how this in any way would reflect in any review as it does not affect any functionality (if thats even the case has yet to be mentioned to me). I don't know why you're referencing my plugin DailyBonus in your review as that is irrelevant here regardless of the fact it works as stated and intended. Thanks for the review... I guess.

Doesn't appear to work at all as far as counting is concerned. Too bad since I really wanted the permission-based reward feature, but most of my rank "promotions" are done based on the total # of votes... which can't be trusted. The number reported in the player's info doesn't match the information in the database... or flat file if you shut the database off... it's storing information elsewhere which can't be accessed or edited and later... is just missing. While it's made clear that any support given from the author is not "required", I would think the need to "+1" properly would be a requisite for a voting plugin, support should not be needed for that aspect of things. Had really high hopes for this plugin, but it was ultimately more trouble than it was worth since I had to manually enter everyone's counts into another plugin in order to get people properly rewarded.
Author's response
0 PM's from you seems accurate, honestly I have absolutely no clue what you're talking about as the plugin tracks votes accordingly.

This plugin works really well, and has a ton of features that I couldn't find anywhere else. I've searched through a bunch of plugins, and this is the only one that works the way I want it to.

Another great plugin from JC. This plugin is the best for any server. Everyone that says JC doesn't offer support is wrong. He will give you the support you need if it's not found somewhere else, so don't be turned away from his plugins because of false claims!

Switched to this plugin from superbvote, after wanting a more in depth voting interface. Got what I wanted in both functionality and design. My only hesitance at first to purchase was the supposed lack of support from the author, but Ive encountered no such issue. I had 1 problem with vote forwarding, and I received almost-instant replies. Great resource.
Author's response
Thanks for the review :)

Amazing plugin! I bought this plugin because it was the first plugin I found that worked on 1.12. Hope you keep this plugin always up to date! Love the vote party now I can have key drops when we get a certain amount of votes! 11/10 vote listener!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

This plugin don't work , DON'T BUY IT!!!! The plugin don't search the database and i configure it correct. Son't stop saying [ProVotes] Synchronizing MySQL and server data...

Once you get round how the plugin works, you find this plugin to be super powerful! You need to have patience and you need to think logically. Support is limited, but if you ask and be patient the develop does help you out. This is my second review (first got deleted by me) This plugin is VERY powerful IF you use it correctly. I WOULD recommend this plugin... But you MUST give it chance!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

The plugin works as it's intended to work. It has a vote party which is nice(op on start), configurable and this plugin can give anything as it does have a console command.
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

I have been trying to talk to the support of this plugin for more than 3 weeks and I have not received a response from the developer. I have a bug with the plugin connection with mysql. I will change the rating if I get help.

Dear Buyers,
Regardless Your nonsense, i would like to leave some comments to make everything clear about the author and the plugin. The plugin isn't that heavy like you guys have mentioned. It is probably your server sucks or you don't know how to use it well. Secondly, talking about the support. It is no doubt that it isn't 24/7, but can't you guys just wait for awhile until a response from the author. I once asked him about a bug on his other plugins And he did reply with a promise of fixing it. In light of this, i can't see any part of your nonsense shit you have mentioned appearing as an issue. d1m0a1a your comment is totally worthless. If you can't even know how to use this simple plugin, and you are going to open a server. Please, stop there right now. And stop disrespecting the author.
If Your Fail To Config, you config to Fail.

Kind Regards,
oScrub (Owner of ScrubCraft)
Author's response
Thanks for the review, I appreciate it :)

Version: 1.3.5
It would be a great voting rewards plugin if it didn't cause so much lag. Reported the problem to the developer and got no response. I highly recommend another vote reward plugin over this. This plugin may have more features, but when you run into a problem, you can't expect any help.
Author's response
Just as I figured 0 PM's from you. So I don't know what you're talking about. Thanks anyways bud

Provotes is the heaviest plugin running on my server, dev doesnt answer or fix the issues at all.. seems to be a dead project, dont spend your money on this laggy plugin here is a timings of this awesome plugin as you can see 1,051.35% on player join event i must say ridiculous. hope dev will answer and fix the issue. and dont tell me i didnt pm u, i pmed u like 5 times with errors and bugs but u still arent fixing it

Support upper bad, when you ask him to help or to fix a issue you are getting message back with errors? (its working fine on my server) dont spend your money on this guys! its really not recommended. tho its your choice if you purchase any of hes plugins but i would recommend it. there is literally no support
Author's response
Still alive but thanks mate. Also when you cannot provide me any additional information it's rather difficult to look into a situation you "claim" to be happening. Apparently you don't understand that you need information to get to the root of any problem not just some vague and open ended information.

I'm no longer using this plugin. While it is generally well-made. Support is terrible. You cannot hide behind your Terms of Service as an excuse for being lazy to YOUR paying customers. I asked a simple question, not addressing an issue or error. You never replied and I ended up finding it on my own.

Thanks for nothing! 1 star
Author's response
So what you're saying is you figured out your problem through documenation but still give me a bad review, honestly this is rather sad.

The plugin is good but... the support is promotion and developer dont give nice support all is automatic..

It looks very well and it is, single problem is about "saving" that is not working corrently, I already reported it but seems to not resolve it, in rest, it's very ok.

I don't understand why there are so many bad reviews. I really love this plugin! It may even be the best and most configurable Listener I have ever used. There are many options of what you can do, so you will be able to configure it to your liking.

The support is also great. Quick and friendly support.

Even though the plugin is premium, it's worth the money! Easily beats the free options.

And this is why I give it 5/5 stars. I have not yet had any problems with either the plugin or the support! Recommended!
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Plugin works pretty well, my rating is based solely on support which is really poor despite seeing the author active elsewhere.
Author's response
Umm pretty sure when you purchase any resource you are not guaranteed any support (not saying I don't provide support) or maybe you haven't read the disclaimer that appears when purchasing any resource. Maybe if you were to use the proper communication channels then I would respond to any issues but seems how you haven't this is irrelevant. Also your review is irrelevant in general seems how its supposed to be based on the software. Have a great day!

The plugin is really cool but the support is total garbage!
The author won't respond to you if he thinks your question is to "inferior" I would only recommend this to people who are very skilled and don't require any support with it.
Author's response
If you read the provided documentation its rather simple, the only message you ever sent me (in February) was asking how to get it to execute a command when a vote is received which is rather self explanatory seems how the default config has one setup. The fact you based your review on not reading what is provided is rather sad.

The plugin is ok but has bugs and the support is total garbage. The dev will always point the finger at your first and insult you if you report any issues or just not respond at all. I thought I would give this dev another chance but after 2 buggy purchases and a bad attitude this will be my last. Avoid this developer at all costs.
Author's response
So you never contact me, but yet try to blame me for something? You literally did the exact same thing on another one of my plugins without contacting me so I don't know why you have a vendetta against me. Thanks for the hate speech.

Awesome plugin! The best one out there.



100 characterssssssssssssssssssssssss
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Finally it's been months since that bug was detected and it's finally been fixed. Please fix the duplicated vote glitch. Basically players vote normally the command goes through once completely fine. But if you run bungeecord like me " You have the vote forwarder enabled on hub then you send it off to the other servers " If i have 4 servers online and one player is on factions and another is on creative. the vote will duplicate 2 times. Then if someone is on creative and only creative the duplication will spam like 8 times. PLEASE FIX THERE IS NO ERROR FOR THIS!
Author's response
Thanks for the review, that's not an issue you just don't understand the difference between the forwarder and MySQL

No Featherboard placeholders? lel....
this plugin is awesome, just this needs.
and a sugestion, add /rewards command and /voteparty command.
for /rewards, make to automatically add to it all comulative rewards.

I tried a lot of voting plugins before finding this one, many didn't work, others were very over-complicated. This one is way ahead of the rest, it's flexible and feature rich but well organised which keeps it easy to use.

A very good investment if you want a flexible voting plugin that just works.
Author's response
Thanks for the review, glad you like it :)

Amazing plugin! Well worth the money! Keep up the good work <3 I want you to know i 100% support this plugin and i hope this plugin keeps going throughout the future!

Coracraft Network
Author's response
Thanks for the review, and for supporting my plugins :)

Version: 1.3.4
I am noob! Thx for support!......................................................................................
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.3.4
RIP GALISTENER, RIP VOTEPARTY! This is the best vote plugin! Recommend for JC_PLAYS_MC plugins! Keep this up!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.3.4
JC_Plays_MC was nice enough to clarify a feature which I originally thought this plugin was missing. That makes this the best vote plugin on Spigot, especially since GAListener was marked inactive. Looking forward to setting this up on all my servers!
Author's response
Thanks for the review!

Version: 1.1.8
I love this plugin so far, but I have a problem. The placeholders doesn't work. The plugin works, but the placeholders are not working sadly :(
Author's response
I have a problem too, people seem to think that the review section is where you go for support. Thanks anyways I guess.

Version: 1.1.5
ProVotes works as expected. If you're looking for a voting plugin for a single or multi-server setup, this could most definitely work for you.
I do have to say it was a little finicky at first, but after messaging the Dev about some issues, they were quickly sorted out and fixed pretty fast.

It took me a while to find a voting plugin that worked with a multi-server setup and didn't have physical keys. I have a Skyblock,Survival, and Creative server, and even though Physical keys work wonderfully on skyblock/survival, it doesn't work so well with a Creative setup as physical keys can be duped. Yuck! Very nice to have no physical keys, and to have rewards handed out almost immediately after voting. YAY.
The developer for this plugin is definitely worthy of a piece of cake.

A very simple, yet configurable voting plugin.
- Definitely worth checking out.
Author's response
Thanks for the review! :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 738
First Release: May 30, 2016
Last Update: Dec 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
65 ratings
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