- Add: Example configuration file ConsoleColor.yml . If you have enabled the plugin, it can be found in the plugin jar.
- Add: Support for handling Update_Team packets (scoreboard).
- Improve: PsrMessage class is only initialized when console messages handling fallback.
- Improve: OP no longer has permission for user item cache in survival mode by default.
- Improve: Method of getting language files, partially rewritten.
- Improve: Handle errors when loading alternate config files.
- Improve: Support negative permissions.
- Fix: Can't handle scoreboard title on 1.8-1.12.
- Fix: OP always has filter permission specified in replacer config.
- Fix: Error when replacer config file does not define `Original` or `Replacement`.
- Fix: Error when replacing Json when `Skip-When-Direct-Replaced` is `false`.
- Dev: Use new Nbt-API methods.
- Dev: Code improvement and optimization.