ProtocolStringReplacer - Efficient message editor[1.8-1.21.4] icon

ProtocolStringReplacer - Efficient message editor[1.8-1.21.4] -----

Customize all messages on servers | Also Parse Placeholder everywhere

ProtocolStringReplacer v2.14.0
- Add a new replace mode: Direct. This mode will convert the text to the style you can see in game, suitable for users who don't know Json. For more information, please read the new version of the example replacer config and the general config file.
- Add client locale filtering. The replacer config can only handle for the specified client locales to achieve multi-language.
- Add ItemStack debug.
- Improve Saving configs will no longer add a `#` in the empty line.
- Improve No longer reset player information (capture state, internal state, etc.) when reloading the plugin.
- Fix the issue that converting Player_Chat to System_Chat packet after the chat format is modified by other plugins only displays the message , without the player name.
- Fix the issue that the capture information will break the format if there is no Json.
- Fixed the issue that the message format of the capture command is weird and clicking may not copy the entry.
- Fixed the issue that the Papi placeholder could not be replaced when modifying an ItemStack for the first time.
- Fix the issue that ItemStack does not support Json replace.
- Fix the issue that the key of the Chinese language translation does not match.
- API changes; code improvements and optimizations.
----------, Jan 10, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10,055
First Release: Oct 1, 2021
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
25 ratings
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