2.8.1 - Fixes, new placeholders, improvements to cleanup, and more helpful checks
Please read the changes regarding /ps admin cleanup.
This update fixes several issues with 2.8.0 and introduces some new features and helpful checks listed below.
- /ps admin cleanup was reworked to not remove inactive owners from regions if the region is not being deleted
- cleanup_delete_regions_with_members_but_no_owners was added to config.toml, allowing you to have regions not be deleted if there are active members, but no active owners (disabled by default)
- Added the following placeholders:
Code (Text):
- Added a different message for when the player is unable to place a protection block due to a block specific permission, rather than protectionstones.create
- Players are now prevented from removing themselves as the owner of a region if no other owners are left
- Added clarification that allow_use_in_crafting has to be enabled in order to use protection blocks as crafting ingredients
- Fixed console error messages with /ps home due to changed world cache
- Fix flag placeholders not applying when reset to default
- Added support for %player% flag in /ps admin flag
As always, please report bugs if you see them!