Hey everyone,
I've recently had a lot of issues reported to me, and I did not have the chance to fix them until now. Thank you for the bug reports! Please continue to report them on the discussion page, and on GitHub.
- Added protectionstones.flags.edit.[flag], allowing you to deny flags for certain players, even if it is on the "allowed_flags" list. In order to deny it, set the permission to false (ex. protectionstones.flags.edit.tnt false)
- Prevent hidden players from showing up on command autocomplete
- Fixed protectionstones.limit.x conflicting with protectionstones.limit.block.x
- Fixed -e flags, and made it more flexible in the config (ex. "deny-message -e")
- Fixed tile entity errors when using a head protection block with auto_hide
- Prevented blank lines from sending in /ps help if the message was blanked out
- Fixed default config tabs