ProtectionStones [Updated for 1.20.6+] icon

ProtectionStones [Updated for 1.20.6+] -----

The easiest grief prevention method that players will enjoy!

(2.0.0) Major Config Overhaul and /ps get, /ps give, /ps sethome, and Vault Integration!
Please read this fully before upgrading from an older version.

This update overhauls the configuration to use a different file format, and have custom settings per block. It also now stores data within WorldGuard flags rather than on separate files (hiddenpstones.yml). As a result, a conversion is required. I have built an automatic converter into the plugin, so please start the server with the updated plugin once before making further configuration changes.

The config converter is not perfect, so the order might seem a bit messed up. I recommend taking a new version of the block1.toml config from the overview page and transferring your settings to it.

New Features:

New Restrict Obtaining Config Option!

This new config option is intended to replace the old no silk-touch behaviour. This option prevents blocks obtained naturally (ex. mining) to be used as protection blocks, and only allows players to obtain the protect block with /ps give and /ps get. This is done internally by adding NBT tags to blocks.

More Config Options per block!
You can now set many more config options (ex. flags) per block!

/ps get [block]
This command allows you to get a protection block. There is optional support for a price for the block (requires Vault). You can also add an alias for the block in the config.

/ps give [block] [player]
This command can be used by admins and shops to give protection blocks to players. This can be used with the "restrict obtaining" config option to sell protection blocks to players from another plugin, while restricting obtaining the block naturally.

/ps sethome
This command can be used to change the position of the protection block's home (for /ps tp and /ps home)

Display Name and Lore for Protection Blocks!
In the config, you can change the display name and lore of protection blocks obtained by /ps get and /ps give.

/ps admin fixregions
This command allows admins to run the region upgrading process again, and check if all of the ps internal flags exist.

Custom permission per protection block!
In the config, you can now define a special permission per protection block!

Teleport delay for /ps home or /ps tp!
You can now set a teleport delay for these commands, as well as requiring players to not move for that time. You can bypass this with ""

Console can now use /ps admin commands
The /ps admin commands have been revamped to be faster, and can be used by the console.

Removed the need for hiddenpstones.yml
You can remove the file.

Many, many bug fixes and smaller additions!

Please be sure to report bugs to the discussion thread or on the GitHub issues page.

Thank you!
----------, Apr 21, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 323,456
First Release: Oct 22, 2018
Last Update: Jul 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
162 ratings
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