Projector laser custom particles
Important note:
Please remove the first line projectors:
of projector.yml file if you want to keep your old projectors
You can now set custom particles to projectors:
Code (Text):
==: org.bukkit.Location
world: world
x: -161.97343057857975
y: 71.87096148672379
z: 90.61716368303512
pitch: 26.400068
yaw: 90.14908
default-laserType: PARTICLE
default-laserDistance: 30.0
default-particleType: dust
default-laserColor: 255;255;255
You can check particle names here:
laserColor section can only be used for dust type
This is a simple rgb color system.
Edit mode:
You can now enter in edit mode with /pnc edit start
then click to any nightclub element and modify them
Once finished, use /pnc edit save
if you don't want to save /pnc edit stop
- Custom record and play rotation is now working again
- amount section of rotation was not working properly