If you are using ProCosmetics with MySQL enabled please click on the spoiler below for more info!
Since I added a new cosmetic category I need to store it in SQL also. Therefore you must add a column to the table.
1. Go to your PHPMyAdmin and log in.
2. Go to the table of ProCosmetics and click on SQL.
3. Paste this:
ALTER TABLE ProCosmeticsData ADD Banner VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL AFTER Balloon;
Change ProCosmeticsData to the name of your table. Once that is done press RUN. Then you should be good to go!
Changelog: ● Added Banners category with 4 different banners.
● Fixed a bug with the GUI menu.
● Fixed a bug with the MySQL if you connected too fast.
● Fixed so you can translate the gadget cooldown in action-bar.