ProCosmetics | 350+ Cosmetics | Treasurechests | EULA COMPLIANT icon

ProCosmetics | 350+ Cosmetics | Treasurechests | EULA COMPLIANT -----

The most feature-rich and powerful cosmetics plugin ever created!

Reset Config.yml

Added support to purchase cosmetics. If you have not unlocked a cosmetic you can now right click to purchase. If you purchase a cosmetic it will run the same command as when finding the cosmetic in a treasure chest. So the command can be found in Treasure-Chest.yml.
[+] Added so you now get money by picking up coins from the coin-party-bomb. The amount can be changed in Config.yml under the Economy section.
[+] Fixed NPCs could enter a vehicle from a mount.
[+] Fixed everyone could use the /ProCosmetics give command which only players with ProCosmetics.Admin should be able to use.
[+] Fixed cooldown appeared when left-clicking a gadget which it shouldn't.
[+] Fixed you had unlimited ammo when having Economy set to false and the purchase boolean set to false for a gadget.
[+] Fixed an error appeared when purchasing treasure chests when the economy was disabled.
[+] Fixed Guardian balloon could hit players in survival if they tried to hit the entity.
[+] Fixed an error could be caused when having economy set to false or not having a valid economy plugin installed on your server when trying to purchase a treasure chest.
----------, Jan 7, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,393
First Release: Nov 12, 2017
Last Update: Feb 14, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
302 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings