If you want the custom prefixes... ...in your chat? You need a chat formatting plugin. (ex. LPC/EssXchat/etc) ...in the tab list? You need a tab plugin. (ex. TAB) ...somewhere else: You need a specific plugin for that.
prefix.* - Gives the permissions for every command
prefix.change - Gives the permission to change your prefix
prefix.char - Gives the permission to use multiple colors in their prefix by using the char '&'
prefix.blacklist - Gives the permission to be excluded from the blacklist
prefix.list - Enabled by default - Gives players the permission to use /prefix list
prefix.other - Gives the permission to change others prefix, prefixcolor and namecolor
prefix.admin - Receive messages if there is a new version available and gives the permission to reload the plugin
prefix.color - Gives the permission to change their prefix and name to all colors
prefix.color.name - Gives the permission to use all colors for their name
prefix.color.prefix - Gives the permission to use all colors for their prefix
prefix.blacklist - Allows to use the blacklisted words
suffix.list - Enabled by default - Gives players the permission to use /suffix list
suffix.change - Allows to change suffix
suffix.char - Allows to use multiple colors in their suffix by using the char '&'
suffix.remove - Allows to remove suffix
suffix.color - Gives the permission to use all colors for their suffix
prefix.templatelist - Enabled by default - Allow to use /prefixtemplate list
prefix.template - Allow access to all existing templates
prefix.template.<template_name> - Allow acces to the template with a specific name
See spoiler for all color specific permissions for the name and prefix
Code (Text):
description: Allows players to use a dark blue nickname
description: Allows players to use a dark green nickname
description: Allows players to use a dark aqua nickname
description: Allows players to use a dark red nickname
description: Allows players to use a dark_purple nickname
description: Allows players to use a gold nickname
description: Allows players to use a blue nickname
description: Allows players to use a green nickname
description: Allows players to use a aqua nickname
description: Allows players to use a red nickname
description: Allows players to use a light_purple nickname
description: Allows players to use a yellow nickname
description: Allows players to use a white nickname
description: Allows players to use a gray nickname
description: Allows players to use a light gray nickname
description: Allows players to use a black nickname
description: Allows players to use a bold nickname
description: Allows players to use a italic nickname
description: Allows players to use a magic nickname
description: Allows players to use a reset nickname
description: Allows players to use a strikethrough nickname
description: Allows players to use a underline nickname
description: Allows players to use a dark blue prefix
description: Allows players to use a dark green prefix
description: Allows players to use a dark aqua prefix
description: Allows players to use a dark red prefix
description: Allows players to use a dark_purple prefix
description: Allows players to use a gold prefix
description: Allows players to use a blue prefix
description: Allows players to use a green prefix
description: Allows players to use a aqua prefix
description: Allows players to use a red prefix
description: Allows players to use a light_purple prefix
description: Allows players to use a yellow prefix
description: Allows players to use a white prefix
description: Allows players to use a gray prefix
description: Allows players to use a light gray prefix
description: Allows players to use a black prefix
description: Allows players to use a bold prefix
description: Allows players to use a italic prefix
description: Allows players to use a magic prefix
description: Allows players to use a reset prefix
description: Allows players to use a strikethrough prefix
description: Allows players to use a underline prefix
description: Allows players to use a dark blue bracket
description: Allows players to use a dark green bracket
description: Allows players to use a dark aqua bracket
description: Allows players to use a dark red bracket
description: Allows players to use a dark_purple bracket
description: Allows players to use a gold bracket
description: Allows players to use a blue bracket
description: Allows players to use a green bracket
description: Allows players to use a aqua bracket
description: Allows players to use a red bracket
description: Allows players to use a light_purple bracket
description: Allows players to use a yellow bracket
description: Allows players to use a white bracket
description: Allows players to use a gray bracket
description: Allows players to use a light gray bracket
description: Allows players to use a black bracket
description: Allows players to use a bold bracket
description: Allows players to use a italic bracket
description: Allows players to use a magic bracket
description: Allows players to use a reset bracket
description: Allows players to use a strikethrough bracket
description: Allows players to use a underline bracket
description: Allows players to use a dark blue suffix
description: Allows players to use a dark green suffix
description: Allows players to use a dark aqua suffix
description: Allows players to use a dark red suffix
description: Allows players to use a purple suffix
description: Allows players to use a gold suffix
description: Allows players to use a blue suffix
description: Allows players to use a green suffix
description: Allows players to use a aqua suffix
description: Allows players to use a red suffix
description: Allows players to use a pink suffix
description: Allows players to use a yellow suffix
description: Allows players to use a white suffix
description: Allows players to use a gray suffix
description: Allows players to use a light gray suffix
description: Allows players to use a black suffix
description: Allows players to use a bold suffix
description: Allows players to use a italic suffix
description: Allows players to use a magic suffix
description: Allows players to use a reset suffix
description: Allows players to use a strikethrough suffix
description: Allows players to use a underline suffix
/prefix - Main command
/prefix help - Displays the help menu
/prefix reload - Reloads the config
/prefix version - Display plugin information
/prefix list - Displays avaible colors and formatting
*/prefix reset - Reset your prefix to default
*/prefix <prefix> - Change your prefix
*/prefix color <color> - Change your prefixcolor
*/prefix name <color> - Change your namecolor
*/prefix bracket <color> - Change your bracketcolor (If enabled)
/suffix list - Displays avaible colors and formatting
*/suffix reset - Reset your suffix to default
*/suffix <suffix> - Change your suffix
*/suffix color <color> - Change your suffixcolor
/prefix template list - Displays all available templates for the player
*/prefix template reset - Reset the template to default
*/prefix template <template> - Change your prefix to the defined template
If you have the permission
prefix.other. You can enter behind the commands marked with * the playername of someone else to excecute this command on them.
Config The config is very simple and you only need to change here things if you want to set a custom char in front of the Prefix and behind the Prefix.
Code (YAML):
# +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # Prefix is made by martijnpu # File generated in version v7.01 # For the descriptions for each setting check the documentation: # https://hangar.papermc.io/martijnpu/PrefiX/pages/Documentation/Config # +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ prefix: # Here you can set the maximum length of the Prefix WITHOUT color characters max-length: 16
# Here you can set the characters before and after the prefix # You can include color codes here (&.), can also left blanked ("") # For Example if you want the following ingame: "[Admin] martijnpu" start-character: "[" end-character: "]" bracket: # Define here the option to let people change their bracket color specifically # If disabled brackets will always have the same color as the prefix enable: false
# Define here the color the start-character and end-character should be when a player has a custom Prefix # You can include color codes here (&.), can also left blanked ("") # If this value other than blanked, custom brackets functionality will be disabled change-color: "" suffix: # Here you can set the maximum length of the Prefix WITHOUT color characters max-length: 8
# Here you can set the characters before and after the suffix # You can include color codes here (&.), can also left blanked ("") start-character: "<" end-character: ">" general:
enabled: false
# Define here the hexadecimal format the other plugins are using ({#rrggbb}, &#rrggbb) format: "{#rrggbb}"
# Enable gradient support. This will allow you to use <>. Please contact martijnpu if you need other ways # With bracket functionality disabled the brackets will be included in the gradient gradient: false
# Use hexadecimal color names # Only enable if your chat/tab plugin supports this hex-names: false
# Hide warning messages to normal players # Console and players with prefix.admin will still always receive it hide-warnings: false
# Define the language of the plugin. # Currently available: "en_US" (English), "nl_NL" (Dutch), "uk_UA" (Ukrainian) and "ru" (Russian) # Want to add your translation to PrefiX? Contact the developer language: "en_US"
# Keep the current context of the tag # This option needs LuckPerms version v5.4.xx at least to work keep-context: false
# Define here the characters you want to allow # Check for the full list: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html whitelist: -
"\\w"#Alphabetic characters -
"\\p{Punct}"#Punctuation characters -
" "#Spaces # - "\\p{IsHan}" #Chinese characters # - "%@♡€" # Allow specific symbols
# Here you can specify any characters or words whose are blocked. # Blacklist is NOT Case Sensitive blacklist: -
"fuck" -
"admin" -
#In this section you can define your own Prefix templates players can choose of templates:
enabled: false
#The name of the template is used as permission (prefix.template.<name>) list:
example: "&a[&bTemplateExample&a] "
Custom messages You can define your own messages instead of the default English.
Code (YAML):
# +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # PrefiX is made by martijnpu # File generated in version v7.1 # For the default values for each message check the documentation: # https://hangar.papermc.io/martijnpu/PrefiX/pages/Documentation/Languages # +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ prefix: "&ePrefiX &3➢ " language: "English" messages:
header: "&6&m&l+-----------------&6&l= &ePrefiX &6&l=&6&m&l-----------------+&r" footer: "&6&m&l+------------------------------------------+" command:
unknown: "&cDid you mean '/%COMMAND% help'?" usage: "&cPlease usage '%COMMAND%'" reload: "&6Successfully reloaded the config" reset: "&6Reset %TYPE%" changed: "&6Changed %TYPE% to &r%TAG%" removed: "&6Removed %TYPE%" reset-other: "&6Reset the %TYPE% of %NAME%" changed-other: "&6Changed the %TYPE% of %NAME%" removed-other: "&6Removed the %TYPE% of %NAME%" color:
apply: "&6Changed %TYPE% color to %COLOR%" reset: "&6Reset %TYPE% color" target: "&6Changing the %TYPE% color of %NAME%" invalid: "&cInvalid color. Pick a color from '/prefix list'" list:
apply: "&aClick to apply this to your %TYPE%" no-perm: "&cNo permission to use this for your %TYPE%" template-header: "&7&lTemplates:" error:
player: "&cPlayer '&6%NAME%&c' doesn't exists! (or is offline)" command: "&cAn error occur while executing this command. Please check the console for more info" need-target: "&cYou must target a player to execute this command!" blacklist: "&cYou've used a blacklisted word" length: "&cYou can not have more than %SIZE% characters" length-colorcode: "&cYou can not have more than %SIZE% characters excluding color codes!" character: "&cYou've used a wrong character!" colorcode: "&cYou can't use color codes!" hexadecimal: "&cHexadecimal format is disabled!" bracket: "&cBrackets are disabled by the administrator" permission:
command: "&cYou don't have permission to execute this command" color: "&cYou are not allowed to use this color" target: "&cYou are not allowed to target others" template:
disabled: "&cTemplates are disabled by the administrator" unknown: "&cTemplate '%TEMPLATE%' does not exist" help: | &6➢ &a/prefix [text] &7- &eChange the text of your prefix &6➢ &a/prefix color [color] &7- &eChange the color of your prefix &6➢ &a/prefix name [color] &7- &eChange the color of your name &6➢ &a/prefix list &7- &eList of all available colors &6➢ &a/prefix reset &7- &eSet your prefix to the default value &6➢ &a/prefix bracket [color] &7- &eChange the color of your bracket &6➢ &a/suffix [text] &7- &eChange the text of your suffix &6➢ &a/suffix color [color] &7- &eChange the color of your suffix &6➢ &a/suffix reset &7- &eSet your suffix to the default value help-others: | &6➢ &a/prefix [text] <name> &7- &eChange the text of someone else's prefix &6➢ &a/prefix color [color] <name> &7- &eChange the color of someone else's prefix &6➢ &a/prefix name [color] <name> &7- &eChange the color of someone else's name &6➢ &a/prefix list &7- &eList of all available colors &6➢ &a/prefix reset <name> &7- &eSet someone else's prefix to the default value &6➢ &a/prefix bracket [color] &7- &eChange the color of someone else's bracket &6➢ &a/suffix [text] <name> &7- &eChange the text of someone else's suffix &6➢ &a/suffix color [color] <name> &7- &eChange the color of someone else's suffix &6➢ &a/suffix reset <name> &7- &eSet someone else's suffix to the default value
Placeholders PrefiX supports placeholders via Placeholder API (PAPI). In order to use the placeholders you only need both plugins, no additional download required!
Official PAPI Wiki
Code (Text):
Placeholder - Description
%prefix_prefix% - Full Prefix
%prefix_startcolor% - StartColor
%prefix_startchar% - Start Character
%prefix_tagcolor% - Prefix Color
%prefix_tag% - Prefix itself (text within brackets without color)
%prefix_endchar% - End Character
%prefix_namecolor% - Name Color
%suffix_suffix% - Full Suffix
%suffix_startcolor% - StartColor
%suffix_startchar% - Start Character
%suffix_tagcolor% - Suffix Color
%suffix_tag% - Suffix itself (text within brackets without color)
%suffix_endchar% - End Character
%suffix_namecolor% - End Color
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