ATTENTION » This update contains additions to the
settings.yml it is recommended that you backup your configuration files before updating to preserve comments and file formatting.
ATTENTION » All reference to my Discord name within the plugin has been removed and replaced with the link to my Support Discord server.
With an increase of spam messages I've received I've oppted to create a Discord server to hopefully tone down the amount of those messages that I receive.
If you wish to obtain support for one of my plugins I will only accept friend requests from people that are either in my support server or in the SpigotMC Discord server.
I have my DM's open to all users on my support server, spamming, advertising, or any other forms of harassment in my DM's will result in me blocking you and for you to be banned on the support server.
ADD » Support for MySQL storage.
MySQL will only the store the reference to the player's furnace from the 'furnaces.yml'. In the future there are plans to just support the storing of the furnace directly into the database.