Update v1.3.7
- Fixed a bug for 1.13 servers
PAPI placeholders info:
Code (Text):
%PlayTimes_playtime% - returns player's playtime
%PlayTimes_uptime% - returns server uptime
%PlayTimes_joindate% - returns players joindate
Specific time placeholders:
%PlayTimes_justdays% - returns only the amount of days played
%PlayTimes_justhours% - returns only the amount of hours played
%PlayTimes_justmins% - returns only the amount of mins played
%PlayTimes_justsecs% - returns only the amount of secs played
Leaderboard placeholders:
%PlayTimes_topname1% - returns the #1 player with the most playtime (returns their name)
%PlayTimes_toptime1% - returns the #1 time (player #1's time)
You can go from 1 - 10 with this!
Example) If you want the 3rd top playtime name and time do:
%PlayTimes_topname3% and %PlayTimes_toptime3%
Complete list: