PlayerGUIAdvanced | 1.21.1 SUPPORT! | icon

PlayerGUIAdvanced | 1.21.1 SUPPORT! | -----

A simple GUI that shows admins information about all the players on the server. | Now with Folia |

Bug Fixes & New Config Options
This update now allows all of the extra features within the 'Actions' GUI. Thanks to a suggestion from a user Babobo on Discord, the kick feature can now finally be disabled. The kick feature now also has the ability to be customised from within the config.yml.

There have also been several message bugs that have shown up since the messages update. These should now be fixed.


Code (Text):
#Do you wish to use the GUI based /kick feature?
Enable-kick: true

Kick-command: 'kick %target% You were kicked by an operator'

Successfully-kicked-player-chat: "&cYou kicked &d%target%"

If you discover any other issues with the plugin, please do send me a message or leave a post on the forum with your issue and I'll try my best to assist you.

Update GitHub repository
Added the ability to disable the kick feature
Added new options and messages to the config.yml
Fixed issue where the Actions GUI would close instead of going back to the Player List GUI
Fixed error where if the ban manager was disabled the '/punish' command would still open the GUI
----------, Jan 28, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 12,165
First Release: Jan 24, 2020
Last Update: Aug 29, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
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