PlayerGUIAdvanced | 1.21.1 SUPPORT! | icon

PlayerGUIAdvanced | 1.21.1 SUPPORT! | -----

A simple GUI that shows admins information about all the players on the server. | Now with Folia |

Custom Messages With HEX Codes!
This update is another big one! Almost all of the plugins messages are now configurable from with in the config.yml! Now that may not sound like a big change, however this new feature set now also allows the use of HEX colour codes in the messages.

You will need to update the config.yml with the code below or regenerate the file from scratch.

If you discover any other issues with the plugin, please do send me a message or leave a post on the forum with your issue and I'll try my best to assist you.

Added HEX colour code support
Added most of the messages to the config.yml
Updated the GitHub repository for the code

Thanks to Kody Simpson for the ColorUtils code for adding HEX functionality!

Code (Text):

#                                    ----[PlayerGUIAdvance]----                                     #
#                                     ----[By Loving11ish]----                                      #
#                                   ----[]----                                    #
#                                 ----[Plugin Messages Config]----                                  #

#GUI Name configurations.

#Player list GUI name:
Player-list-menu-title: "&bPlayer List"

#Actions GUI name:
#If an error occurs, ensure that the '%target%' is present within the title name.
Actions-menu-title: "&bActions: %target%"

#Ban manager GUI name:
#If an error occurs, ensure that the '%target%' is present within the title name.
Ban-manager-nemu-title: "&bBan: %target%"

#Punish menu GUI name:
#If an error occurs, ensure that the '%target%' is present within the title name.
Punish-menu-title: "&bPunish: %target%"


#Plugin messages

Player-list-menu-last-page: "&7You are on the last page."
Player-list-menu-first-page: "&7You are on the first page."
Player-list-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.use &4needed to run that command"

#If an error occurs, ensure that the '%target%' is present
Actions-command-invalid-player: "&cThe player &e%target% &ccould not be found!"
Actions-command-no-player-provided: "&cPlease provide a player to moderate. /actions <player>"
Actions-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.mod &4needed to run that command"

#If an error occurs, ensure that the '%target%' is present
Punish-command-invalid-player: "&cThe player &e%target% &ccould not be found!"
Punish-command-no-player-provided: "&cPlease provide a player to moderate. /punish <player>"
Punish-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.ban &4needed to run that command"

Help-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission & &4needed to run that command"

Reload-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.reload &4needed to run that command"

Show-1: "&4This command is only active if either SuperVanish or PremiumVanish are installed!"
Show-2: "&4SuperVanish: &d"
Show-3: "&4PremiumVanish: &d"
Show-command-player-visible: "&eYou are now visible to other players"
Show-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission & &4needed to run that command"

Vanish-1: "&4This command is only active if either SuperVanish or PremiumVanish are installed!"
Vanish-2: "&4SuperVanish: &d"
Vanish-3: "&4PremiumVanish: &d"
Vanish-command-player-invisible: "&eYou are now invisible to other players"
Vanish-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.vanish &4needed to run that command"

Update-1: "&4*-------------------------------------------*"
Update-2: "&b[PlayerGUIAdvanced] &c- A new version is available!"
Update-3: "&4*-------------------------------------------*"

No-update-1: "&a*-------------------------------------------*"
No-update-2: "&b[PlayerGUIAdvanced] &a- Plugin is up to date!"
No-update-3: "&a*-------------------------------------------*"
Update-check-failure: "&b[PlayerGUIAdvanced] &4- Unable to check for updates! - &c"

Player-only-command: "&4That command can only be executed by a player."

Plugin-reload-successful: "&aThe config file has been reloaded!"

Syntax-error-1: "&4Please provide an argument!"
Syntax-error-2: "&4pl reload"
Syntax-error-3: "&4pl help"

Targeted-player-op-successful: "&ePlayer %target% has been successfully made an op!"
Targeted-player-deop-successful: "&ePlayer %target% has been successfully removed from op!"

Player-op-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.op"
Player-deop-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.deop"
Player-ban-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.ban"

Target-ban-exempt: "&cThat player is exempt from bans!"

Disabled-GUI-Feature: "&cThis feature has been disabled by an admin!"


Help-1: "&e[---------------- &b[PlayerGUIAdvanced] &e-----------------]"
Help-2: "&f/actions <player> &7- &dThis command opens up the Actions GUI."
Help-3: "&f/punish <player> &7- &dThis command opens up the Punish GUI."
Help-4: "&f/players &7- &dThis command opens up the Player List GUI."
Help-5: "&f/pl reload &7- &dThis command reloads the plugin config file."
Help-6: "&f/pl vanish &7- &dThis command sets you into vanish."
Help-7: "&f/pl show &7- &dThis command sets you out of vanish."
Help-8: "&f/pl help &7- &dThis command shows this help menu."
Help-9: "&e[-------------------- &bPermissions &e---------------------]"
Help-10: "&f                               playergui.use"
Help-11: "&f                               playergui.mod"
Help-12: "&f                               playergui.ban"
Help-13: "&f                               playergui.op"
Help-14: "&f                               playergui.deop"
Help-15: "&f                               playergui.exempt"
Help-16: "&f                               playergui.vanish"
Help-17: "&f                     "
Help-18: "&f                     "
Help-19: "&f                               playergui.reload"
Help-20: "&f                               playergui.update"
Help-21: "&e[----------------------------------------------------]"

----------, Jan 15, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 12,165
First Release: Jan 24, 2020
Last Update: Aug 29, 2024
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All-Time Rating:
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