PlayerGUIAdvanced | 1.21.1 SUPPORT! | icon

PlayerGUIAdvanced | 1.21.1 SUPPORT! | -----

A simple GUI that shows admins information about all the players on the server. | Now with Folia |

This is a big update! This new version brings a new name 'PlayerGUIAdvanced' and a complete recode of the plugin from the ground up.

The main new feature that the recode has allowed is the ability for the plugin to now support more than 54 online players by making use of a paginated menu system.

This update now also adds tab completion for many of the commands in game, this will make it easier to understand the usage of commands for players.

The plugin config.yml is almost unchanged however, this it to make this transition as smooth for server owners as possible. The only change to the config.yml is to the heading and that the config is now within a different folder called 'PlayerGUIAdvanced', simply copy your old config.yml into the new folder to replace the newly generated one and simply change the header within the file and boom! Your config is updated.

PlayerGUI V4.5 will still be supported and any issues will still be fixed, however the old plugin system will not receive any new features. If you want to use the new features you will have to update to 'PlayeGUIAdvanced'.

If you discover any issues with the plugin, please do send me a message or leave a post on the forum or contact me via Discord with your issue and I'll try my best to assist you.

Complete recode of the plugin
Added tab complete commands
Added an adaptive menu manager system
Added the ability to view more than 54 players within the 'Player List GUI'
Added player skins to all player representations within all menus
Removed console commands (To be reworked and reintroduced in future update)
----------, Dec 2, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 12,165
First Release: Jan 24, 2020
Last Update: Aug 29, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
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