refactored create subcommand, fixed bcord NPE on load-up, added a new tip on create
What's new?
- Fixed NPE Error for Global Chatrooms on load
- Added create subcommand and auto-create channel
* T
his now will automatically create a new channel instead of opening the creation GUI, to use the old create subcommand, a new config option has been added and it's default is now /channels createc . . .
- Added creation-invite-other for msg to invite others
How to install
1. Download and replace old ver with 3.7.1
2. Delete messages.yml and config.yml and reload/restart or add the following messages
Code (Text):
# Subcommand name for creating a chatroom that will fill in your paramaterized options into the creation GUI
create-gui: "createc"
Code (Text):
creation-invite-other: "&7&oTo invite players, do '&e&o/channels invite <name>&7&o' or specify the channel if in multiple channels."