- With bungeecord, there is an entirely new category of channels now called "global" channels, that will appear on all servers with PlayerChannels 3.7+.
In order to use bungeecord channels, players must have the permission "playerchannels.global" to create a channel. However, to just join a global channel, no permission is needed.
Global channels allow for easy cross-server messaging with full support of all local channel benefits like nicknames, punishments, and more! This is a perfect way to run a staff channel across your network or other various network wide chats. More features are soon to come to this of course as well.
More documentation of bungeecord is to come. To set up, simply add the jar to every desired server and make sure to put
bungeecord: true in each config.yml
How to install: 1. If you are not using a bungeecord server, you do not need to update now if not desired. However, later updates will be built upon this so addition of new config params will be needed.
2. Download 3.7 and add it to your plugins folder
3. Delete your old config and messages and let them regenerate.
4. Alternatively, please add the following messages to the respective files
Code (Text):
# Would you wish to enable bungeecord support? (Channels that are global on all servers)
bungeecord: false
Code (Text):
# Punishment broadcasts
chatroom-kicked: "&7[&e$chatroom$&7] &e$player$ &chas been kicked."
Code (Text):
# Add the below under parent node creation-menu
display: "&eGlobal:"
- "&7&oClick to make this a global channel (all servers)"
material: "BEACON"
slot: 3