What’s new?
- Added invite subcommand
- (/channels invite <player> <optional: channel>
- Added leave subcommand
- - (/channels leave <optional: channel>
- Added to autotab completer
- Set nicknames to be enabled on default
How to install
- Download the latest version 3.6.2 and replace
- Delete your config.yml and messages.yml and reload/restart, or, add the following to your config.yml and messages.yml respectively.
- In your messages.yml, please search for "listen-help" message. Simply change the $command$ to "channels" or whatever your command is that you are using. $command$ is defunct.
Code (Text):
# Messages related to invite subcommand
help-command-usage: "&cUsage: /channels invite <player> [<channel-name>]."
player-not-found: "&cPlayer not found. Please check the name and try again."
no-permission-to-invite: "&cYou do not have permission to send invites in this channel."
not-in-one-chatroom: "&cPlease specify which channel to invite:"
channel-not-found: "&cChannel not found. Please check the channel name and try again."
player-already-in-channel: "&cThe player is already a member of this channel."
pending-invite-exists: "&cThe player already has a pending invite to this channel."
invite-sent-successfully: "&aInvite sent successfully to &d$player$."
invite-received: "&d$player$ &ahas invited you to join &d$chatroom$&a."
invite-received-2: "&aTo join, type &e/channels join $chatroom$&a or click here."
click-to-copy: "Click to copy"
# Messages related to
leave-more-than-one-channel: "&cYou are in more than one channel! Please specify which one"
# This message should already exist in your messages.yml, simply, change the $command$ to channels or whatever your command is called!
listen-help: "&cIncorrect arguments! &a/channels $listen$ <add/remove/off> <chatroom>"
join-subcommand-already-in: "&cYou are already a member of that channel!"
# Messages related to leave
leave-more-than-one-channel: "&cYou are in more than one channel! Please specify which one"
leave-command-usage: "&cUsage: &e/channels &6leave &e<optional: &aname&e>"
Code (Text):
#Subcommand for the invite command
invite: "invite"
help-msg-5: "&e/channels <&aname&e> - &7Choose a channel to chat in"
help-msg-6: "&e/channels &6invite &e<&aplayer-name&e> <optional: &achannel-name&e> - &7Invite specified player to channel, must specify channel if in more than one channel. "
# Subcommand for the leave subcommand
leave: "leave"