Added new listen item in chatrooms, fixed ordering of saved vs unsaved chatrooms + more
What's new?
- Fixed ordering of unsaved chatrooms appearing before saved chatrooms
- Added an item to chatroom menu's for players to listen to those chatrooms
- Added more messages to chatroom items to further explain different buttons
- Fixed issue where duplicate messages would send if using fast chat and in-chat simultaneously
How to update:
1. Download v3.4.1
2. Add the following to your messages.yml
Code (Text):
listening-to-channel: "&aYou will now only receive messages from these channels:"
Add the following to your menus.yml under the in-chat section
Code (Text):
display: "&e&lIn Chat:&f"
material: "NAME_TAG"
slot: 2
# Add the two lines under this line
- "&7&oClick to send all messages in this channel"
3. Reload / restart