Change log 5.1 build 586
Here is an update with some improvements.
Special thanks to all contributors to this update;
Fur_xia (Updates to Chinese locale),
hallo1142 (Updates to Deutsch locale),
itaquito (Updates to Spanish locale)
Karlatemp (Bugfixes related to locale + async update check)
Change log
- Added a 'Hour by Hour' graph similar to 'Day by Day' graph to server and network pages. It displays hourly new players and unique players for the last 7 days.
Error handling
- Error handling was rewritten to address the issue of large error log files. Now each exception is assigned an unique hash to avoid duplicates of same exception being logged.
- Error context was added so that it is easier to solve issues
- The context can also include "What to do" instructions to the user in case they can fix the issue themselves, in cases like File permission errors.
- Up to 5 contexts are logged in order to avoid these log files from growing endlessly.
- Error stacktraces are no longer logged to console to avoid console logs becoming large.
- Default log deletion setting was reverted back to 7 days
- Extension method disabling (if a method throws an exception) should now work properly
- Chinese locale was updated by Fur_xia and Karlatemp
- Deutsch locale was updated by hallo1142
- Spanish locale was updated by itaquito
- Some pages erroring when using a locale were fixed by Karlatemp
- Some links getting translated was fixed by Karlatemp
- Update check is now performed asynchronously on enable (by Karlatemp)
- A typo in a comment in ServerInfoFile.yml was fixed by aimorris
- Registration information now expires after 15 minutes (Fixes a memory leak)