Change log 4.4.4
- /plan m uninstalled [id/name] command to mark servers as uninstalled
- Marking a server uninstalled stops BungeeCord from attempting to connect to it
- Re-installed servers will be connected to automatically
- Two config options for ping gathering delays, server start delay and login delay
- AdvancedBan support by @Vankka
- Removed DataContainerCache as it was causing large memory usage on networks
- HikariCP updated to 3.2.0
- Connection: close added to outbound HTTP connections
- Reduced player page generation delay from 20s to 5s on login and logout
- Caches now cleared on disable
- Network page updated less frequently (Now when you view the page & periodically)
- Attempt to clean ping data with a filter 0 < ping <= 4000ms
- Improved ping gathering by changing average to median
- AFK ignore permission checked less frequently
- Fixed Sponge metrics
- Fixed ConcurrentModificationException related to SessionsMutator
- Fixed player online status on server switch on networks
- Fixed longest world time calculation on session accordion
- Fixed active sessions not displaying on server page
- Fixed relative links in server.html for FullCalendar.js (Only bug when using a subdirectory rewrite rule on redirection)
- Fixed Exception when disabling the plugin on server shutdown
If you get any errors or have issues don't be afraid to join the
Support on Discord or
report the issue (This one is easier for me). Cheers!