Dates can now display "Today", "Yesterday", "Friday" for the last few days. (Can be disabled in config)
BuyCraft data support
GriefPreventionPlus support
Bukkit-Bungee connection system has been rewritten. The system is now "stateless" and is a lot simpler. It also uses MySQL to transfer web pages which is a security improvement if using HTTP. More under Technical
Performance tab charts have received multiple Y-axis, making them a lot easier to read
Players online now saves the highest player count for the minute instead of average
Reduced Sidebar width & improved the website on smaller screen sizes.
LiteBans no longer uses hardcoded table prefix. LiteBans PluginData is also more extensive & should be enough to replace the separate php UI provided by LiteBans author.
Added world name when viewing gamemode drilldown
When accessing Server Analysis page from Network page, if the page is not present it will be refreshed.
Much better error messages for /plan m setup
Information transfer connections are now logged & can be viewed on Debug page
If Error occurs a message was added to tell where the error can be read. (Debug page link if webserver is online)
PunchCard now reads Monday->Sunday instead of Sunday->Monday
Network page now displays Unique player counts correctly
Fixed exception on plugin disable
Fixed BatchUpdateException related to WorldTimesTable
Fixed PlanWorldChangeListener causing lag
Fixed NPE related to Factions
Fixed RedProtect API call
Fixed PunchCard Timezone issues
Possibly fixed other Timezone issues with highcharts.
Fixed Punchcard displaying "2. Jan"
Fixed /plan causing an error on CraftBukkit servers
Improved MySQL performance when database had a lot of Sessions
Fixed Inspect page still being accessible after /plan m remove <player>
Fixed NPE related to Config
Fixed some PluginData accordions having bad ID values
More fixes that were not mentioned in commits.
Technical: +17,455 -13,549 lines changed
All Classes moved from to com.djrapitops.plan - This causes Plan Java API breakage.
Since the API broke with the package change, a new API has been written & is now accessible via PlanAPI.getInstance()
WebAPI at /api/ (misnomer) has been removed. New Bungee connection system now uses /info/ as the address for information transfers. 4.1.4 & 4.1.5 can not be run on the same network.
Major Refactoring has taken place to make the code structure more modular. This means that everything is placed in SubSystems instead of the plugin classes. This will make it easier to manage the plugin.
The new Bukkit-Bungee connection system should work much more reliably than the old system.
Due to complexity some additional PluginData may not function on 1.7.X servers & will likely not be supported.
If you have any issues feel free to join Discord for support.